
Sends list of possible Covid Transmission names via message based on close proximity of infected individual


This project is part of Immedia weekly Summer Schoool, during the summer vacation from November to February, immedia offers students a chance to gain real-world experience in our commercial studio based in Umhlanga, Durban.

Mentor: Welcome Sithole

Problem statement

COVID-19 is a disease that spreads between people, mainly when an infected person comes into close contact with another person. Within South Africa, the government are the ones that currently possess all the information and stats about infected indivduals and the hotspots that are at the highest risk. So if you are surrounded by many infected people then you are in high risk of getting Covid. Therefore, being surrounded by many infected invididuals, or traveling around hotspot areas puts one at a higher risk to contract this virus.

It would be beneficial if there were an easier way for families and friends to update and notify each other when there has been a newly infected person around your area or in your familty, as well as if you have been in close contact with an individual who has tested positivd.

Messaging Apps like WhatsApp can be used but they were not designed for this problem and its so limited.Messaging applications such as WhatsApp could provide a solution, however they have limited functionality for this problem in particular as the system isn't specifically designed for this usecase.

Proposed Solution

An API with be created that will allow an individial to add a message that they have contracted the virus or have been in cloce contact with person that has tested positive. The message must have list of all the numbers/emails of the people that were in close contact. The API will send a message to all of them and advise each to add their own messages with people that they had close contact with soon after. The process goes on.

By doing this, we will have a network of friends/families trying to protect each other by ensuring that self isolation is done early.

Anyone will then have accesss to the information about how many others are positive in the area that they live as well as a means to keep up to the with higher risk places.

draft Design

People will be identified by their phone-number or email.