Hardware setup 1 : Need battery and not programmable with arduino
serial_cable smartspate sudonull
Hardware setup 2 : No need battery and programmable with arduino
apt update
apt-get install lxd lxd-client
apt update
apt-get install snapd
snap install lxd
snap install lxd-client
lxd init
For questions please follow the default option, an image illustration is at image
User need to be in group lxd :
sudo usermod -a G lxd $USER
sudo /usr/sbin/usermod lxd $USER
$PATH need to contains /usr/local/bin, verify with :
echo $PATH
if not, setup this, or add this in your .bashrc or .zshrc or ...
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
lxc launch images:debian/10 KarliBTS
lxc exec KarliBTS -- bash
vi /etc/apt/source.list
# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 10.13.0 _Buster_ - Official amd64 DVD Binary-1 20220910-18:04]/ buster contrib main
#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 10.13.0 _Buster_ - Official amd64 DVD Binary-1 20220910-18:04]/ buster contrib main
# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:
#deb buster/updates main contrib
# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:
#deb-src buster/updates main contrib
# buster-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
# A network mirror was not selected during install. The following entries
# are provided as examples, but you should amend them as appropriate
# for your mirror of choice.
deb buster main contrib
deb-src buster main contrib
Tape ctrl+x
and :w + enter
and :q + enter
apt update
sudo apt-get install libtool shtool automake dahdi-source libssl-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libsctp-dev libfftw3-dev libfftw3-3 autoconf libsctp-dev libgnutls28-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev git-core pkg-config make gcc gcc-arm-none-eabi doxygen libtalloc-dev libpcsclite-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
sudo apt install autoconf automake build-essential ccache cmake cpufrequtils doxygen ethtool g++ git inetutils-tools libboost-all-dev libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-dev python3-dev python3-mako python3-numpy python3-requests python3-scipy python3-setuptools python3-ruamel.yaml
apt-get install nano wget
mkdir osmocom
cd osmocom
installing libosomcore
git clone
cd libosmocore/
git checkout cf70aa0c40c574c32b832454f725cc37459c5d8d
autoreconf -i
make -j4
make install
ldconfig -i
cd ..
installing osmocom-bb
git clone
cd osmocom-bb/
git checkout 4f677e6ba8434dab376495cd996d140548fa6e93
cd src
nano target/firmware/Makefile
"#uncomment CFLAGS += -DCONFIG_TX_ENABLE in the file target/firmware/Makefile"
#ctrl+o return ctrl+x
tail -f target/firmware/Makefile
make -j4 -e CROSS_TOOL_PREFIX=arm-none-eabi-
cd ../..
installing libosmo-dsp
git clone
cd libosmo-dsp/
git checkout 551b9752bcd5d3d21bb2df0736b1801bda3d0d10
autoreconf -i
make -j4
make install
ldconfig -i
cd ..
installing trx
git clone -b fixeria/trx trx
cd trx/src/
git checkout 620fe497efa492feff4550e336cc3f8167715936
"#uncomment CFLAGS += -DCONFIG_TX_ENABLE in the file target/firmware/Makefile"
#ctrl+o return ctrl+x
nano target/firmware/Makefile
tail -f target/firmware/Makefile
make -j4 HOST_layer23_CONFARGS=--enable-transceiver -e CROSS_TOOL_PREFIX=arm-none-eabi-
cd ../..
installing dependencies before libosmo-abis
apt-get install libortp-dev
apt-get install libtool shtool automake dahdi-source libssl-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libsctp-dev libfftw3-dev libfftw3-3 autoconf libsctp-dev libgnutls28-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev git-core pkg-config make doxygen libtalloc-dev libpcsclite-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
installing libosmo-abis
git clone
cd libosmo-abis/
git checkout 39dffb6c29a8d78ba8527aa4ccc13f34d1c3b319
autoreconf -i
make -j4
make install
cd ..
installing libosmo-netif
git clone
cd libosmo-netif/
git checkout 09c71b04f5a8d82515d0d4d541b8368b585dbd31
autoreconf -i
make -j4
make install
cd ..
installing dependecies for openbsc
sudo apt install build-essential gcc g++ make automake autoconf libtool pkg-config libtalloc-dev libpcsclite-dev libortp-dev libsctp-dev libssl-dev libdbi-dev libdbd-sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libpcap-dev libc-ares-dev libgnutls28-dev libsctp-dev sqlite3 libsofia-sip-ua-glib-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libfftw3-dev libgsm1-dev
sudo apt install autoconf automake build-essential ccache cmake cpufrequtils doxygen ethtool g++ git inetutils-tools libboost-all-dev libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-dev python3-dev python3-mako python3-numpy python3-requests python3-scipy python3-setuptools python3-ruamel.yaml
sudo apt install asterisk telnet python3-pip
installing open-bsc
git clone
cd openbsc/openbsc/
git checkout d2550da76f9974bb1957f74c5d3eb75fdae923d9
autoreconf -i
make -j4
make install
cd ../..
installing osmo-bts
git clone
cd osmo-bts/
git checkout 59e7773055335a12d749faf84d88a8ed9fa0f201
autoreconf -i
./configure --enable-trx
make -j4
make install
cd ../..
Copying osmocon
cp osmocom/trx/src/host/osmocon/osmocon ../root/
chmod +x osmocon
Copying trx
cp osmocom/trx/src/target/firmware/board/compal_e88/trx.highram.bin ../root/
- config file of osmo-bts
- config file of open-bsc
- config hlr.sqlite3
touch hlr.sqlite3
Plug usb ttl for motorola phone
dmesg | grep ttyUSB*
- For on Phone (SMS only)
lxc config device add KarliBTS ttyUSB0 unix-char path=/dev/ttyUSB0
- For two Phones (SMS and Call)
lxc config device add KarliBTS ttyUSB0 unix-char path=/dev/ttyUSB0
lxc config device add KarliBTS ttyUSB1 unix-char path=/dev/ttyUSB1
lxc config set KarliBTS security.privileged=true
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmocom/trx/src/host/osmocon/osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -c osmocom/trx/src/target/firmware/board/compal_e88/trx.highram.bin
lxc exec KarliBTS -- ./osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -c trx.highram.bin
Tape ctrl+shift+T
Tape *#*#4636#*#*
and choose GSM only on your Android phone
Installing network signal guru on your android phone
And finding the arfcn that this one is connect
Let's name this arfcn as ARFCN
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmocom/trx/src/host/layer23/src/transceiver/transceiver -a ARFCN
Tape ctrl+shift+T
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmo-nitb -c open-bsc.cfg -l hlr.sqlite3 -P -C --debug=DRLL:DCC:DMM:DRR:DRSL:DNM
Tape ctrl+shift+T
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmo-bts-trx -c osmo-bts.cfg --debug DRSL:DOML:DLAPDM
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmocom/trx/src/host/osmocon/osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -c osmocom/trx/src/target/firmware/board/compal_e88/trx.highram.bin
lxc exec KarliBTS -- ./osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -c trx.highram.bin
Tape ctrl+shift+T
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmocom/trx/src/host/osmocon/osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -s /tmp/osmocom_l2.2 -c osmocom/trx/src/target/firmware/board/compal_e88/trx.highram.bin
lxc exec KarliBTS -- ./osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -s /tmp/osmocom_l2.2 -c trx.highram.bin
Tape ctrl+shift+T
Tape *#*#4636#*#*
and choose GSM only on your Android phone
Installing network signal guru on your android phone
And finding the arfcn that this one is connect
Let's name this arfcn as ARFCN
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmocom/trx/src/host/layer23/src/transceiver/transceiver -a ARFCN -2
Tape ctrl+shift+T
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmo-nitb -c open-bsc.cfg -l hlr.sqlite3 -P -C --debug=DRLL:DCC:DMM:DRR:DRSL:DNM
Tape ctrl+shift+T
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmo-bts-trx -c osmo-bts.cfg --debug DRSL:DOML:DLAPDM
lxc exec KarliBTS -- telnet localhost 4242
lxc exec KarliBTS -- telnet localhost 4241
lxc publish KarliBTS --alias KarliBTS -f
lxc image export KarliBTS .
There a two images exported (for mine)
- with /var/cache/apt/archives IMAGES: c928e6171521f687cc227ea1d4e3fec6f43c68aeecf11fb909df9588034b6ce3.tar.gz
md5sum c928e6171521f687cc227ea1d4e3fec6f43c68aeecf11fb909df9588034b6ce3.tar.gz
- without /var/cache/apt/archives IMAGES: a89e0a08c6f7e80a2596b47b712ecb7fc933fb0d393e3895d90c5fc720d66087.tar.gz
md5sum a89e0a08c6f7e80a2596b47b712ecb7fc933fb0d393e3895d90c5fc720d66087.tar.gz
lxc image import a89e0a08c6f7e80a2596b47b712ecb7fc933fb0d393e3895d90c5fc720d66087.tar.gz --alias KarliBTSimage
lxc launch KarliBTSimage KarliBTS
Tape ctrl+shit+T
lxc exec KarliBTS -- bash
apt-get install zip
rm -rf
mv osmo-nitb-scripts/scripts_spoof1 ../root
mv osmo-nitb-scripts/scripts_spoof2 ../root
cd scripts_spoof1
Change sqlite file as following /root/hlr.sqlite3
Change sqlite file as following /root/hlr.sqlite3
Change sqlite file as following /root/hlr.sqlite3
Change sqlite file as following /root/hlr.sqlite3
lxc exec KarliBTS -- bash
cd scripts_spoof2
Change sqlite file as following /root/hlr.sqlite3
Change sqlite file as following /root/hlr.sqlite3
Change sqlite file as following /root/hlr.sqlite3
Spoof script2 modification
lxc exec KarliBTS -- nano scripts_spoof2/
Before launching , please corret the help, change :
usage: ./ extension message
This script sends a message from the specified extension (number) to all devices connected to this base station
usage: ./ extension_source extension_destination message
This script sends a message from the specified extension source (number) to extension destination connected to this base station
lxc exec KarliBTS -- scripts_spoof1/
lxc exec KarliBTS -- scripts_spoof1/
Change with the following imsi
lxc exec KarliBTS -- scripts_spoof1/ 646040227957426 0341220590
lxc exec KarliBTS -- python2 scripts_spoof1/
lxc exec KarliBTS -- python2 scripts_spoof1/
lxc exec KarliBTS -- python2 scripts_spoof2/
lxc exec KarliBTS -- python2 scripts_spoof2/ 0341220590 'alert corona'
lxc exec KarliBTS -- python2 scripts_spoof2/ 0341220590 0341220590 "alert corona v2"
lxc exec KarliBTS -- python2 scripts_spoof2/ 0341220590 3 "alert corona 3"
lxc config device remove KarliBTS ttyUSB0
lxc config device remove KarliBTS ttyUSB1
- WITH CACHE /var/cache/apt/archives AT IMAGE
lxc publish KarliBTS --alias KarliBTS -f
Instance published with fingerprint: ceb29fbf547e5d34e56a5e4b499f492853fbc969e1d1bdcf8e813b0a071a2b08
lxc image export KarliBTS .
md5sum ceb29fbf547e5d34e56a5e4b499f492853fbc969e1d1bdcf8e813b0a071a2b08.tar.gz
3d1492f27800890a0b11d1aebc29c980 ceb29fbf547e5d34e56a5e4b499f492853fbc969e1d1bdcf8e813b0a071a2b08.tar.gz
chmod 777 ceb29fbf547e5d34e56a5e4b499f492853fbc969e1d1bdcf8e813b0a071a2b08.tar.gz
- WITHOUT CACHE IN /var/cache/apt/archives AT (IMAGE)[]
lxc publish KarliBTS --alias KarliBTS -f
Instance published with fingerprint: 7dddb5be252c4c64e65898daa6cf239893a17c6d751a2f3c4db65a095ce25b50
lxc image export KarliBTS .
md5sum 7dddb5be252c4c64e65898daa6cf239893a17c6d751a2f3c4db65a095ce25b50.tar.gz
0db0473d307a9cd6af3554f7eeedbec9 7dddb5be252c4c64e65898daa6cf239893a17c6d751a2f3c4db65a095ce25b50.tar.gz
chmod 777 7dddb5be252c4c64e65898daa6cf239893a17c6d751a2f3c4db65a095ce25b50.tar.gz
apt update
apt-get install lxd lxd-client
apt update
apt-get install snapd
snap install lxd
snap install lxd-client
lxd init
For questions please follow the default option, an image illustration is at image
User need to be in group lxd :
sudo usermod -a G lxd $USER
sudo /usr/sbin/usermod lxd $USER
$PATH need to contains /usr/local/bin, verify with :
echo $PATH
if not, setup this, or add this in your .bashrc or .zshrc or ...
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate '' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1Y7KEpbL-ZFKeL5-9OFBy9lh2ifav9Jcy" -O 7dddb5be252c4c64e65898daa6cf239893a17c6d751a2f3c4db65a095ce25b50.tar.gz && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt
lxc image import 7dddb5be252c4c64e65898daa6cf239893a17c6d751a2f3c4db65a095ce25b50.tar.gz --alias KarliBTSimage
lxc launch KarliBTSimage KarliBTS
Plug usb ttl for motorola phone
dmesg | grep ttyUSB*
- For on Phone (SMS only)
lxc config device add KarliBTS ttyUSB0 unix-char path=/dev/ttyUSB0
- For two Phones (SMS and Call)
lxc config device add KarliBTS ttyUSB0 unix-char path=/dev/ttyUSB0
lxc config device add KarliBTS ttyUSB1 unix-char path=/dev/ttyUSB1
lxc config set KarliBTS security.privileged=true
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmocom/trx/src/host/osmocon/osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -c osmocom/trx/src/target/firmware/board/compal_e88/trx.highram.bin
lxc exec KarliBTS -- ./osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -c trx.highram.bin
Tape ctrl+shift+T
Tape *#*#4636#*#*
and choose GSM only on your Android phone
Installing network signal guru on your android phone
And finding the arfcn that this one is connect
Let's name this arfcn as ARFCN
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmocom/trx/src/host/layer23/src/transceiver/transceiver -a ARFCN
Tape ctrl+shift+T
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmo-nitb -c open-bsc.cfg -l hlr.sqlite3 -P -C --debug=DRLL:DCC:DMM:DRR:DRSL:DNM
Tape ctrl+shift+T
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmo-bts-trx -c osmo-bts.cfg --debug DRSL:DOML:DLAPDM
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmocom/trx/src/host/osmocon/osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -c osmocom/trx/src/target/firmware/board/compal_e88/trx.highram.bin
lxc exec KarliBTS -- ./osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -c trx.highram.bin
Tape ctrl+shift+T
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmocom/trx/src/host/osmocon/osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -s /tmp/osmocom_l2.2 -c osmocom/trx/src/target/firmware/board/compal_e88/trx.highram.bin
lxc exec KarliBTS -- ./osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -s /tmp/osmocom_l2.2 -c trx.highram.bin
Tape ctrl+shift+T
Tape *#*#4636#*#*
and choose GSM only on your Android phone
Installing network signal guru on your android phone
And finding the arfcn that this one is connect
Let's name this arfcn as ARFCN
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmocom/trx/src/host/layer23/src/transceiver/transceiver -a ARFCN -2
Tape ctrl+shift+T
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmo-nitb -c open-bsc.cfg -l hlr.sqlite3 -P -C --debug=DRLL:DCC:DMM:DRR:DRSL:DNM
Tape ctrl+shift+T
lxc exec KarliBTS -- osmo-bts-trx -c osmo-bts.cfg --debug DRSL:DOML:DLAPDM
lxc exec KarliBTS -- telnet localhost 4242
lxc exec KarliBTS -- telnet localhost 4241
lxc exec KarliBTS -- scripts_spoof1/
lxc exec KarliBTS -- scripts_spoof1/
Change with the following imsi
lxc exec KarliBTS -- scripts_spoof1/ 646040227957426 0341220590
lxc exec KarliBTS -- python2 scripts_spoof1/
lxc exec KarliBTS -- python2 scripts_spoof1/
lxc exec KarliBTS -- python2 scripts_spoof2/
lxc exec KarliBTS -- python2 scripts_spoof2/ 0341220590 'alert corona'
lxc exec KarliBTS -- python2 scripts_spoof2/ 0341220590 0341220590 "alert corona v2"
lxc exec KarliBTS -- python2 scripts_spoof2/ 0341220590 3 "alert corona 3"
lxc config device remove KarliBTS ttyUSB0
lxc config device remove KarliBTS ttyUSB1
Can't run prio on lxc : Error setting SCHED_RR with prio 99