
Simple page-by-page navigation for Vue.js based on your html templates with ssr support

Primary LanguageJavaScript

v-paginator npm version

The idea behind v-paginator is pretty simple. All you need to do is add 6 required classes to your html template for injecting pagination functionality.

SSR support.

Online demo



npm install v-paginator

import the script:

import VPaginator from 'v-paginator';


Register the component globally or locally:

Vue.component('v-paginator', VPaginator);


components: {

Example template.js:

export const template = `<div class="vue-paginator-main pagination">
    <a class="vue-paginator-prev pagination__prev icon-pagination">
      <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 451.846 451.847" id="arrow-left">
        <path xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" d="M106.405 203.554L300.692 9.274c12.36-12.366 32.397-12.366
       44.75 0 12.354 12.353 12.354 32.39 0 44.743l-171.914 171.91 171.91
       171.902c12.353 12.36 12.353 32.394 0 44.748-12.355 12.36-32.392 12.36-44.75
       0L106.4 248.293c-6.177-6.18-9.262-14.27-9.262-22.366 0-8.099 3.091-16.196 9.267-22.373z" data-original="#000000">

    <ul class="pagination__list">
      <li class="vue-paginator-item  pagination__item">
        <a class="vue-paginator-number vue-paginator-active pagination__number"></a>

    <a class="vue-paginator-next pagination__next icon-pagination">
      <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 451.846 451.847" id="arrow-right">
      <path d="M345.441 248.292L151.154 442.573c-12.359 12.365-32.397 12.365-44.75 0-12.354-12.354-12.354-32.391
      0-44.744L278.318 225.92 106.409 54.017c-12.354-12.359-12.354-32.394 0-44.748 12.354-12.359 32.391-12.359
      44.75 0l194.287 194.284c6.177 6.18 9.262 14.271 9.262 22.366 0 8.099-3.091 16.196-9.267 22.373z"></path>

Required classes in template:



import {template} from './template.js'; // Your template with vue-paginator classes

    data() {
       return {
          perPage: 2,
          total: 500 
<v-paginator :per-page="perPage" :layout="template" :total="total" @changePage="yourFunction"/>


Event name Arg Type Description
changePage number The pagination event fires when the page changes


Name                                        Type Description
total Number Total counf of items for pagination. required
layout String Html template. required
perPage Number Number of items per page. required
active-class String CSS class name for active page element default active
disabled-class String CSS class name for disabled next or prev element default disabled
limit-buttons Number Number of displayed page buttons default 4
query Boolean Adds the current page to the browser address bar ?page= default false

🤝 Contributing

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create new branch with feature name.
  3. Run npm install and npm run dev.
  4. Create your feature.
  5. Commit and set commit message with feature name.
  6. Push your code to your fork repository.
  7. Create pull request. 🙂

⭐️ Support

If you like this project, You can support me with starring ⭐ this repository.

📄 License


Copyright (c) 2021 Sitronik

Developed with ❤️ and ☕️