
Xpath scrap engine using selenium. User identify scraping xpath and create below xpath format.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

XSEngine ( Xpath Scrap Engine using selenium )

Xpath scrap engine using selenium. User identify scraping xpath and create below xpath format. You should now about xpath structures. reference: Tutorial here


Current-drirectory# npm install


Current-directory# node app.js


Refer input format from site.js


// This is sample output for scrap github user profile
    Profile: 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/66865924?v=4',
    Name: [ 'Sivaprakasam', 'SivaPrakasam7' ],
    About: [
        '5 followers · 5 following · 2',
    Achivements: { Img: null, AltText: null },
    Organization: {
        Link: 'https://github.com/CSEKINGS',
        Payload: '{"event_type":"user_profile.click","payload":{"profile_user_id":66865924,"target":"MEMBER_ORGANIZATION_AVATAR","user_id":null,"originating_url":"https://github.com/SivaPrakasam7"}}'
    Projects: [
        Link: 'https://github.com/SivaPrakasam7/ISPLOIT',
        Content: [Array]
        Link: 'https://github.com/CSEKINGS/book_donation_backend',
        Content: [Array]
        Link: 'https://github.com/SivaPrakasam7/XSEngine',
        Content: [Array]
        Link: 'https://github.com/SivaPrakasam7/WPDRouter',
        Content: [Array]
        Link: 'https://github.com/SivaPrakasam7/NodeAuth',
        Content: [Array]
        Link: 'https://github.com/SivaPrakasam7/SociaLod',
        Content: [Array]
    Activity: [
        'Created 30 commits in 3 repositories',
        '17 commits',
        '12 commits',
        '1 commit'
        'Created 1 repository',
        'Jul 6'