The Project is about Analyse the test Report using Java, Detailed description in README File, kindly check it.

Primary LanguageJava


The Project is about Analyse the test Report using Java

Project Description:

  1. Test Management Portal project is one of the console based project with the use of java
  2. University conducting a student of the year eligibility test for afflicted colleges
  3. Three Main Players in the project : ADMIN --> STAFF --> STUDENT
  4. Admin Role:
    1. Admin work is add a staff and student. staff can maintain data for evaluating the test result of the students in the particular college
    2. Admin can able to add and remove and edit the staff and student record and maintaining staff and student credentails.
    3. Admin can able to see the topper result to below average result and easy to split out the student data with the help of sql query.
  5. Staff Role:
    1. Staff can able to maintain the student record.
    2. Add the student mark data
    3. Not accessable to delete the student mark data.
    4. Add and remove the student details.
    5. Able to see the overall result of the students with the help off sql queries.
  6. Student Role:
    1. Student can able to see the result
    2. Student can able to get the result via SMS or PDF

Backend Technology:

  1. MySQL

Note: This project is learning purpose and feel free to fork.