
A web scraper implemented in C

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This library, entirely written in C99 implements a quick webscraper.

Getting Started


Since this library is written in C, a C compiler such as gcc or clang is required. The build in currently managed by cmake but it might include an autotools support in the future.

This library also rely on libcurl.

Documentation Prerequisites

There's no current documentation of the library, but will most likely be handle by doxygen.


Building from source

This project will provide a dynamic library as well as a CLI.

Anyway, here are the instruction to build both from the sources.

git clone https://www.github.com/SiwonP/libwebscrap.git
cd libwebscrap
mkdir build
cd build


The binaries of the CLI are not currently availables since the project has not yet reached a stable version.


Same explanation as for the binaries. However, chances are that this lirary will be available through the traditionnal packages managers such as homebrew, ports, apt ...

Running the tests

No tests are written yet.

Building the documentation

No doc is available yet.


  • Simon Petit - Initial contributer


This library and CLI is under the GNU General Public License v3, seeLICENSE for details.