
Assertables: a Rust crate of assert macros for testing

Primary LanguageRustOtherNOASSERTION

Assertables: Rust crate of assert macros for testing

The assertables Rust crate provides many assert macros to improve your compile-time tests and run-time reliability.

Crate: https://crates.io/crates/assertables

Docs: https://docs.rs/assertables/

Repo: https://github.com/sixarm/assertables-rust-crate/

Why use this?

When you write Rust tests, then you can use Rust assert macros, such as:

assert_eq!(value1, value2)

The assertables Rust crate provides many more assert macros for values, strings, vectors, paths, readers, commands, and more, such as:

// value1 greater than value2
assert_gt!(value1, value2);

// string1 starts with string2
assert_starts_with!(string1, string2);

// regex is match of string
assert_is_match!(regex, string);

// vector1 as set ⊆ vector2 as set
assert_set_subset!(vector1, vector2);

// function1 ok = function2 ok
assert_fn_ok_eq!(function1, function2);

// path1 to string = path2 to string
assert_fs_read_to_string_eq!(path1, path2);

// reader1 to string = reader2 to string
assert_io_read_to_string_eq!(reader1, reader2);

// command1 standard output = command2 standard output
assert_command_stdout_eq!(command1, command2);

See below for the complete list of all the assert macros.


  • Your tests are more purposeful and powerful, which helps your code be more reliable.

  • Your assert failures provide more information, which helps you troubleshoot faster.

  • You gain runtime asserts, which helps you with validations and verifications.


  • Easy to use: each macro is well-documented with runnable examples and tests.

  • Zero overhead: if you don't use a macro, then it's never compiled into your code.

  • Three forms: assert_* for development, debug_assert_* for debugging, and assert_*_as_result for production.

Complete list of assert macros

assert_* for values

Compare values:

  • assert_eq!(a, b) ≈ a = b

  • assert_ne!(a, b) ≈ a ≠ b

  • assert_ge!(a, b) ≈ a ≥ b

  • assert_gt!(a, b) ≈ a > b

  • assert_le!(a, b) ≈ a ≤ b

  • assert_lt!(a, b) ≈ a < b

Compare values by using nearness:

  • assert_in_delta!(a, b, delta) ≈ | a - b | ≤ delta

  • assert_in_epsilon(a, b, epsilon) ≈ | a - b | ≤ epsilon * min(a, b)

assert_* for strings and matchers

These macros help with strings and also other structures that provide matchers such as starts_with, ends_width, contains, and is_match.

  • assert_starts_with(a, b) ≈ a.starts_with(b)

  • assert_not_starts_with(a, b) ≈ !a.starts_with(b)

  • assert_ends_with(a, b) ≈ a.ends_with(b)

  • assert_not_ends_with(a, b) ≈ !a.ends_with(b)

  • assert_contains(container, containee) ≈ container.contains(containee)

  • assert_not_contains(container, containee) ≈ !container.contains(containee)

  • assert_is_match(matcher, matchee) ≈ matcher.is_match(matchee)

  • assert_not_match(matcher, matchee) ≈ !matcher.is_match(matchee)

assert_ok & assert_err for Result

  • assert_ok(a) ≈ a.is_ok()

  • assert_ok_eq(a, b) ≈ a.ok() = b.ok() (TODO)

  • assert_ok_eq_expr(a, b) ≈ a.ok() = b (TODO)

  • assert_err(a) ≈ a.is_err()

assert_some & assert_none for Option

  • assert_some(a) ≈ a.is_some()

  • assert_some_eq(a, b) ≈ a.some() = b.some() (TODO)

  • assert_some_eq_expr(a, b) ≈ a.some() = b (TODO)

  • assert_none(a) ≈ a.is_none()

assert_set_* for set collection comparisons

These macros help with comparison of set parameters, such as two arrays or two vectors. where the item order does not matter, and the item count does not matter. These macros convert their inputs into HashSet iterators.

  • assert_set_eq!(a, b) ≈ set a = set b

  • assert_set_ne!(a, b) ≈ set a ≠ set b

  • assert_set_subset!(a, b) ≈ set a ⊆ set b

  • assert_set_superset!(a, b) ≈ set a ⊇ set b

  • assert_set_joint!(a, b) ≈ set a ∩ set b ≠ ∅

  • assert_set_disjoint!(a, b) ≈ set a ∩ set b = ∅

assert_bag_* for bag collection comparisons

These macros help with comparison of bag parameters, such as comparison of two arrays or two vectors, where the item order does not matter, and the item count does matter. These macros convert their inputs into HashMap iterators.

  • assert_bag_eq(a, b) ≈ bag a = bag b

  • assert_bag_ne(a, b) ≈ bag a ≠ bag b

  • assert_bag_subbag(a, b) ≈ bag a ⊆ bag b

  • assert_bag_superbag(a, b) ≈ bag a ⊇ bag b

assert_fn_* for function return-value comparisons

Compare a function with another function:

  • assert_fn_eq!(function1, function2) ≈ function1() = function2()

  • assert_fn_ne!(function1, function2) ≈ function1() ≠ function2()

  • assert_fn_ge!(function1, function2) ≈ function1() ≥ function2()

  • assert_fn_gt!(function1, function2) ≈ function1() > function2()

  • assert_fn_le!(function1, function2) ≈ function1() ≤ function2()

  • assert_fn_lt!(function1, function2) ≈ function1() < function2()

Compare a function with an expression:

  • assert_fn_eq_expr!(function, expr) ≈ function() = expr

  • assert_fn_ne_expr!(function, expr) ≈ function() ≠ expr

  • assert_fn_ge_expr!(function, expr) ≈ function() ≥ expr

  • assert_fn_gt_expr!(function, expr) ≈ function() > expr

  • assert_fn_le_expr!(function, expr) ≈ function() ≤ expr

  • assert_fn_lt_expr!(function, expr) ≈ function() < expr

assert_fn_ok_* for Result Ok() comparisons

Compare a function Ok() with another function Ok():

  • assert_fn_ok_eq!(function1, function2) ≈ function1().ok().unwrap() = function2().ok().unwrap()

  • assert_fn_ok_ne!(function1, function2) ≈ function1().ok().unwrap() ≠ function2().ok().unwrap()

  • assert_fn_ok_ge!(function1, function2) ≈ function1().ok().unwrap() ≥ function2().ok().unwrap()

  • assert_fn_ok_gt!(function1, function2) ≈ function1().ok().unwrap() > function2().ok().unwrap()

  • assert_fn_ok_le!(function1, function2) ≈ function1().ok().unwrap() ≤ function2().ok().unwrap()

  • assert_fn_ok_lt!(function1, function2) ≈ function1().ok().unwrap() < function2().ok().unwrap()

Compare a function Ok() with an expression:

  • assert_fn_ok_eq_expr!(function, expr) ≈ function().ok().unwrap() = expr

  • assert_fn_ok_ne_expr!(function, expr) ≈ function().ok().unwrap() ≠ expr

  • assert_fn_ok_ge_expr!(function, expr) ≈ function().ok().unwrap() ≥ expr

  • assert_fn_ok_gt_expr!(function, expr) ≈ function().ok().unwrap() > expr

  • assert_fn_ok_le_expr!(function, expr) ≈ function().ok().unwrap() ≤ expr

  • assert_fn_ok_lt_expr!(function, expr) ≈ function().ok().unwrap() < expr

assert_fn_err_* for function Err() comparisons

Compare a function Err() with another function Err():

  • assert_fn_err_eq!(function1, function2) ≈ function1().unwrap_err() = function2().unwrap_err()

  • assert_fn_err_ne!(function1, function2) ≈ function1().unwrap_err() ≠ function2().unwrap_err()

  • assert_fn_err_ge!(function1, function2) ≈ function1().unwrap_err() ≥ function2().unwrap_err()

  • assert_fn_err_gt!(function1, function2) ≈ function1().unwrap_err() > function2().unwrap_err()

  • assert_fn_err_le!(function1, function2) ≈ function1().unwrap_err() ≤ function2().unwrap_err()

  • assert_fn_err_lt!(function1, function2) ≈ function1().unwrap_err() < function2().unwrap_err()

Compare a function Err() with an expression:

  • assert_fn_err_eq!(function, expr) ≈ function().unwrap_err() = expr

  • assert_fn_err_ne!(function, expr) ≈ function().unwrap_err() ≠ expr

  • assert_fn_err_ge!(function, expr) ≈ function().unwrap_err() ≥ expr

  • assert_fn_err_gt!(function, expr) ≈ function().unwrap_err() > expr

  • assert_fn_err_le!(function, expr) ≈ function().unwrap_err() ≤ expr

  • assert_fn_err_lt!(function, expr) ≈ function().unwrap_err() < expr

assert_fs_read_to_string_* for std::fs path comparisons

These macros help with file system paths, such as disk files, Path, PathBuf, the trait AsRef<Path>, and anything that is readable via std::fs::read_to_string(…).

Compare a path with another path:

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_eq!(path1, path2) ≈ std::fs::read_to_string(path1) = std::fs::read_to_string(path2)

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_ne!(path1, path2) ≈ std::fs::read_to_string(path1) ≠ std::fs::read_to_string(path2)

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_ge!(path1, path2) ≈ std::fs::read_to_string(path1) ≥ std::fs::read_to_string(path2)

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_gt!(path1, path2) ≈ std::fs::read_to_string(path1) > std::fs::read_to_string(path2)

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_le!(path1, path2) ≈ std::fs::read_to_string(path1) ≤ std::fs::read_to_string(path2)

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_lt!(path1, path2) ≈ std::fs::read_to_string(path1) < std::fs::read_to_string(path2)

Compare a path with an expression:

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_eq_expr(path, expr) ≈ std::fs::read_to_string(path) = expr

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_ne_expr(path, expr) ≈ std::fs::read_to_string(path) ≠ expr

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_ge_expr(path, expr) ≈ std::fs::read_to_string(path) ≥ expr

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_gt_expr(path, expr) ≈ std::fs::read_to_string(path) > expr

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_le_expr(path, expr) ≈ std::fs::read_to_string(path) ≤ expr

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_lt_expr(path, expr) ≈ std::fs::read_to_string(path) < expr

Compare a path with its contents:

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_contains(path, containee) ≈ std::fs::read_to_string(path).contains(containee)

  • assert_fs_read_to_string_matches(path, matcher) ≈ matcher.is_match(std::fs::read_to_string(path))

assert_io_read_to_string_* for std::io reader comparisons

These macros help with input/output readers, such as file handles, byte arrays, input streams, the trait std::io::Read, and anything that implements the method read_to_string().

Compare a reader with another reader:

  • assert_io_read_to_string_eq!(reader1, reader2) ≈ reader1.read_to_string() = reader2.read_to_string()

  • assert_io_read_to_string_ne!(reader1, reader2) ≈ reader1.read_to_string() ≠ reader2.read_to_string()

  • assert_io_read_to_string_ge!(reader1, reader2) ≈ reader1.read_to_string() ≥ reader2.read_to_string()

  • assert_io_read_to_string_gt!(reader1, reader2) ≈ reader1.read_to_string() > reader2.read_to_string()

  • assert_io_read_to_string_le!(reader1, reader2) ≈ reader1.read_to_string() ≤ reader2.read_to_string()

  • assert_io_read_to_string_lt!(reader1, reader2) ≈ reader1.read_to_string() < reader2.read_to_string()

Compare a reader with an expression:

  • assert_io_read_to_string_eq_expr(reader, expr) ≈ reader.read_to_string() = expr

  • assert_io_read_to_string_ne_expr(reader, expr) ≈ reader.read_to_string() ≠ expr

  • assert_io_read_to_string_ge_expr(reader, expr) ≈ reader.read_to_string() ≥ expr

  • assert_io_read_to_string_gt_expr(reader, expr) ≈ reader.read_to_string() > expr

  • assert_io_read_to_string_le_expr(reader, expr) ≈ reader.read_to_string() ≤ expr

  • assert_io_read_to_string_lt_expr(reader, expr) ≈ reader.read_to_string() < expr

Compare a reader with its contents:

  • assert_io_read_to_string_contains(reader, containee) ≈ reader.read_to_string().contains(containee)

  • assert_io_read_to_string_matches(reader, matcher) ≈ matcher.is_match(reader.read_to_string())

assert_command_* for process command comparisons

Compare command standard output string:

  • assert_command_stdout_eq!(command1, command2) ≈ command1 stdout = command2 stdout

  • assert_command_stdout_eq_expr!(command, expr) ≈ command stdout = expr

  • assert_command_stdout_contains!(command, containee) ≈ command stdout contains containee

  • assert_command_stdout_is_match!(command, matcher) ≈ command stdout is a matcher match

Compare command standard error string:

  • assert_command_stderr_eq!(command1, command2) ≈ command1 stderr = command2 stderr

  • assert_command_stderr_eq_expr!(command, expr) ≈ command stderr = expr

  • assert_command_stderr_contains!(command, containee) ≈ command stderr contains containee

  • assert_command_stderr_is_match!(command, matcher) ≈ command stderr is a matcher match

assert_program_args_* for process command comparisons created via program name and args interator

Compare command using program and arguments to standard output:

  • assert_program_args_stdout_eq!(program1, args1, program2, args2) ≈ command using program1 and args1 to stdout = command2 with program2 and args2 to stdout

  • assert_program_args_stdout_eq_expr!(program, args, expr) ≈ command using program and args to stdout = expr

  • assert_program_args_stdout_contains!(program, args, containee) ≈ command using program and args to stdout contains containee

  • assert_program_args_stdout_is_match!(program, args, matcher) ≈ matcher is match with command using program and args

Compare command using program and arguments to standard output:

  • assert_program_args_stderr_eq!(program1, args1, program2, args2) ≈ command using program1 and args1 to stderr = command2 with program2 and args2 to stderr

  • assert_program_args_stderr_eq_expr!(program, args, expr) ≈ command using program and args to stderr = expr

  • assert_program_args_stderr_contains!(program, args, containee) ≈ command using program and args to stderr contains containee

  • assert_program_args_stderr_is_match!(program, args, matcher) ≈ matcher is match with command using program and args

Naming conventions


  • eq ≈ equal

  • ne ≈ not equal.

  • ge ≈ greater than or equal.

  • gt ≈ greater than

  • le ≈ less than or equal.

  • lt ≈ less than


  • path ≈ implements AsRef<Path> such as std::path::PathBuf.

  • reader ≈ implements method .read_to_string() such as std::io::Read.

  • matcher ≈ implements .is_match(…) such as regex::Regex.

  • containee ≈ usable inside .contains(…) such as a std::string::String substring.

  • set ≈ a collection such as ::std::collections::BTreeSet.

  • bag ≈ a collection such as ::std::collections::BTreeMap which has key counts.


Forms for panic! versus Err()

The assert macros have three forms that you can use depending on your goals:

assert_gt!(a, b); // return () or panic!(…), for typical compile-time testing

debug_assert_gt!(a, b); // return () or panic!(…), for a non-optimized runtime

assert_gt_as_result!(a, b); // return Result Ok(()) or Err(…), for any runtime

Forms for messages

The assert macros have forms for default messages versus custom messages.

assert_gt!(1, 2); // panic!("assertion failed: assert_gt(1, 2)…")

assert_gt!(1, 2, "message"); // panic!("message")

Forms for comparing an other versus an expression

Some assert macros have forms for comparing an other versus an expression:

assert_io_read_to_string_eq!(reader1, reader2); // reader1.read_to_string() = reader2.read_to_string()

assert_io_read_to_string_eq_expr!(reader, expr); // reader1.read_to_string() = expr

Changes summary

Version 8.x top changes

  • Add assert_fs_read_to_string_* macros for comparing files.

  • Rename assert_read_to_string_* macros to assert_io_read_to_string_*. If you use these macros, then please update your code to use the new naming convention.

  • Add rustdoc documentation for all modules.

Version 7.x top changes

  • Add assert_in_delta, assert_in_epsilon.

  • Add assert_fn_* macros with multiple arities.

  • Add cargo release for optimized tagged releases.

Version 6.x top changes

  • Add assert_starts_with, assert_ends_with, assert_contains, assert_is_match.

  • Add debug_assert_* macros everywhere.

  • Add GPL-3.0 license.


  • Package: assertables-rust-crate
  • Version: 8.1.0
  • Created: 2021-03-30T15:47:49Z
  • Updated: 2024-09-03T21:12:07Z
  • License: MIT or Apache-2.0 or GPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0 or contact us for more
  • Contact: Joel Parker Henderson (joel@sixarm.com)