
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


check for outdated packages in your project

npm outdated

update packages and save new versions to package.json file

npm update --save package1 package2
npm update --save-dev package1 package2

to update major version

npm install --save package-name@latest

Audit packages for possible vulnerabilities

npm audit

Fix dependency vulnerabilities

npm audit fix

Git flow hotfix

switch to a dev branch

git checkout -b "development" master

fix the issue, then commit

git add --all
git commit -m "Fixed bug #1"
git push --set-upstream origin development

merge master to develop locally to resolve issues

While still on development branch

git merge master

resolve any merge conflicts if there are any then switch to master branch

git checkout master

merge dev branch to amster

If you want to keep track of who did the merge and when, you can use --no-ff flag while merging

git merge --no-ff development
git push


Interesting resources

How to read multiple files in Node.js asynchronously and process all file contents synchronously

http://www.yaoyuyang.com/2017/01/20/nodejs-batch-file-processing.html https://css-tricks.com/why-using-reduce-to-sequentially-resolve-promises-works/