A Gamemaker Studio 2 room editor. Work in progress.
The todo list so far:
GMS2 Project Mirroring with cereal as the importer/exporter
- Base
- Base GM resource
- UUID Generator
- Room
- View
- Layer
- LayerInstance
- Instance
- LayerAsset
- AssetInstance
- LayerBackground
- LayerTile
- LayerPath
- LayerFolder
- LayerInstance
- Object
- Sprite
- Subimage
- TileSet
- Brush
- Animation
- AutoTile
- Base
The Editor
- wxWidgets
- Roommaker Window
- Roommaker Console (Small command set if any)
- Room Settings in sidebar
- Saving rooms to disk as well as loading them
- Grid and grid on/off
- Layer Addition/Removal in sidebar
- Layer organization
- Layer Settings in sidebar
- Another sidebar for objects/sprites/tilemaps/rooms as icons
- Sidebar needs to put things into their subfolders if any exist
- In rooms tab, you can make a new room but can't sort it
- Setting background color/image/etc
- Adding objects (if an instance layer)
- Adding sprites (if an asset layer)
- Grid snap (on/off)
- Painting with tiles (square resizable brush)
- Painting with tile brushes
- Painting with autotile
- Placing animated tiles
- Allow sorting things in the asset browser
- Allow making/removing subfolders in the asset browser