
Localization difference

yijing2050 opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello,I have a question that the LIO_Livox has given the position so what are the differences between your Localization and theirs?or what are the advantages over theirs.Thanks.

Hi, @yijing2050 thanks for your interest in our work.

There are no great common parts with LIO_Livox, which is only a pure odometry framework.

In this work, we use Fast-Lio as our odometry block and use the pre-built point-cloud map to eliminate the accumulated odometry errors with scan2map matching as Code Here. Besides, we add loop-closure and initialization with ScanContext, as described in our Readme.

For any further questions, we are happy to give detailed infos.

also, there is one extension part for LIO_Livox, you can find here:

Hello,there is a little bug,when I catkin_make the src of Livox-Mapping and Livox-Localization and so on, a fatal error comes up:fast_lio/Pose6D.h,no such files or directory .So I check and think twice of the prerequisites of FAST-LIO, then I copy the Pose6D.h from the ~/devel/include/ livox_localiztion to the ~/devel/include/fast_lio/, the fast_lio folder is added by me.Finally , it succeed. But I don't know whether it is right. Looking forward to your reply.

Hi, @yijing2050

Thanks for your interest in our work.

That is not a so-called bug for the miss of Pose6D.h, it is the problem of ROS-Message generation issue. That header should be generated with the msg/Pose6D.msg, however, the message generation process is not always ideal like we thought, like tutorial. So, maybe try catkin_make more times, the issue will be fixed! (ROS is not always smart enough :) ) But, if you already have Pose6D.h generated, in Livox_Localization or Fast-LIO, just copy it! They should be the same!


Also, your newer issue is not related to the original topic. I would suggest opening a new issue next time.


Since there is no update recently, I would close this issue.