
Google Cloud Platform VPC firewall rules manager. This is a proof of concept for a professional project

Primary LanguageGo

GCP Firewall API

This repository provides an API to create and manage Firewall rules in a GCP host project using API for an application.

Getting started

THis project is deployed on 2 environements:

Create a rule

Rules are based on Google compute API rest/v1/firewalls So, create a Google Rule, for example:

  "network": "global/networks/lh-network",
  "allowed": [
      "IPProtocol": "tcp",
      "ports": ["443"]

And POST it to /project/<LH>/service_project/<LZV2>/application/<APP>/firewall_rule/<NAME>.

  • <LH> Landing Hub project ID which host your Landing Zone v2
  • <LZV2> your Landing Zone v2 project ID
  • <APP> an arbitrary application name
  • <NAME> your wanted firewall rule name

The final firewall rule name will be <LZV2>-<APP>-<NAME>. It will be the same for the target tag.

It will return the given schema

List your application rules

GET /project/<LH>/service_project/<LZV2>/application/<APP>/

It will return the given schema

Get a specific rule

GET /project/<LH>/service_project/<LZV2>/application/<APP>/firewall_rule/<NAME>

It will return the given schema

Delete a specific rule

DELETE /project/<LH>/service_project/<LZV2>/application/<APP>/firewall_rule/<NAME>

It will return the given schema


  "application": "<APP>",
  "data": [
      "custom_name": "<NAME>",
      "item": "*GoogleRule"
  "project": "<LH>",
  "service_project": "<LZV2>"


Deployements are made by GitLabCI with service accounts.

Deployer service account have roles:

Runtime service account, on each environement, have roles:

  • roles/viewer to view Compute resources
  • roles/compute.securityAdmin to create network resources (of course to create firewall rules)

All theses credentials are stored in Vault on path secret/gcp-firewall-api/*