
"Daily" programming challenges that I've gotten from the /r/dailyprogrammer subreddit. Worked on in Visual Studio in C#, which is the language I'm most proficient in.

Primary LanguageC#

Reddit (/r/dailyprogrammer) coding challenges.

I've decided to put some of my coding/scripting up here, for those interested.

Some of the more interesting scripts

While that's not true yet, I expect this repository to get pretty large over time. So I've decided that I'd reference some of the more interesting stuff here.

  • Day3 - Hard - TextUnscramble {Decoding scrambled words from a word list}
  • Day4 - Medium - MathParser {Taking a string mathematical set of operation (ie: "1+5*6/5-22+4") and outputing its result}
  • Day7 - Easy - MorseCodeTranslate {Self explanatory}
  • Day7 - Medium - RecursiveDrawingProject {Attempt at a winform based recursive drawing app}

If you would like a list of all the challenges + their completion status, read index.md (TODO)

To run the scripts, you can either download the entire repo and change program.cs to select the correct script (they are all called through the Run() function), or download a script and change Run() to Main().