
Dialog differ

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dialog differ


An application for diffing two dialogs against each other.

Uses Google Chrome's Puppeteer to take screenshots and ImageDiff to compare screenshots.

A collaboration with Starak.


  • Node 6+


npm install dialog-differ

const DialogDiffer = require( 'dialog-differ' );

const suite = { // see 'Suite' structure
    options: {
        sizes: [
            { width: 460, height: 350 },
            { width: 320, height: 150 }
        originalVersion: '1.0.1',
        currentVersion: '1.0.2'        
    original: [
            id: 'first',
            version: '1.0.1',
            url: 'http://example.com/1.0.1/dialog-first.html'
            id: 'second',
            version: '1.0.1',
            url: 'http://example.com/1.0.1/dialog-second.html'
    current: [
            id: 'first',
            version: '1.0.2',
            url: 'http://example.com/1.0.2/dialog-first.html'
            id: 'second',
            version: '1.0.2',
            url: 'http://example.com/1.0.2/dialog-second.html'

// create dialog differ
const dialogDiffer = new DialogDiffer();

// init dialog differ
await dialogDiffer.initDialogDiffer( { databaseArgs: `${__dirname}/database.json` } ); // store database in database.json

// diff suite
const suiteResult = await dialogDiffer.diff( suite ); // see 'SuiteResult' structure



Property Type Description
[databaseLayer] AbstractDatabaseLayer Database layer. Default LowDbDatabaseLayer.
[logLevel] String Log level. Default error.
const dialogDiffer = new DialogDiffer( {
    databaseLayer = null,
    logLevel = null,
} )


Returns Promise<void>

Method to initialize dialog differ. Used to send arguments to database layer.

Property Type Description
[databaseArgs] any Database arguments. See AbstractDatabaseLayer~initDB.
// store database in database.json when using LowDbDatabaseLayer
await dialogDiffer.initDialogDiffer( { databaseArgs: `${__dirname}/database.json` } );


Returns Promise<DialogDiffer.SuiteResult>

Diffs original dialogs with current dialogs.

Property Type Description
suite DialogDiffer.Suite Suite. See AbstractDatabaseLayer~initDB.
const suiteResult = await dialogDiffer.diff( suite );


Returns Promise<DialogDiffer.SuiteResult>

Get running or finished DialogDiffer.SuiteResult from database.

Property Type Description
suiteId String Suite id
const suiteResult = await dialogDiffer.getSuiteResult( suiteId );


Returns Promise<Array<DialogDiffer.SuiteResult>>

Get list of latest running or finished DialogDiffer.SuiteResult from database.

const suiteResults = await dialogDiffer.getLastSuiteResults();


Returns Promise<Boolean>

Delete all DialogDiffer.DialogScreenshots for Dialogs matching dialogId from database.

Property Type Description
dialogId String Dialog id
await dialogDiffer.deleteDialogs( dialogId );


Returns Promise<Boolean>

Delete DialogDiffer.SuiteResult for suiteId from database.

Property Type Description
suiteId String Suite id
await dialogDiffer.deleteSuiteResult( suiteId );




Property Type Description
options DialogDiffer.Options Suite options
original Array<DialogDiffer.Dialog> Original dialogs
current Array<DialogDiffer.Dialog> Current dialogs

Suite Options

Property Type Description Example
sizes Array<{ width: Number, height: Number }> Sizes [ { width: 460, height: 350 } ]
originalVersion String Original version 1.0.1
currentVersion String Current version 1.0.2
[isForceSnap] Boolean Force snap false
[isForceDiff] Boolean Force diff false

Suite Dialog

Property Type Description Example
version String Dialog version 1.0.1
id String Dialog id first
url String Dialog URL http://example.com/1.0.1/dialog-first.html
[hash] String URL hash #hash
[waitForSelector] String Wait for selector body.active
[timeout] Number Timeout before taking snap (ms) 250
[crop] String Selector to use for cropping screenshot #container
[resize] Function(defaultWidth, defaultHeight): { width: Number, height: Number } Function evaluated by Puppeteer which returns the new size to use for screenshot function() { var container = document.querySelector('#container'); return { width: container.scrollWidth, height: container.scrollHeight }; }


Suite Result

Property Type Description Example
options DialogDiffer.Options Suite options
results Array<DialogDiffer.DialogsResult> Dialog results [ DialogDiffer.DialogsResult, ... ]

Suite Dialogs Result

Property Type Description Example
dialogId String Dialog id first
original DialogDiffer.DialogResult Original dialog { id: 'first', version: '1.0.1', url: ..., screenshots: [ ... ] }
current DialogDiffer.DialogResult Current dialog { id: 'first', version: '1.0.2', url: ..., screenshots: [ ... ] }
originalVersion String Original version 1.0.1
currentVersion String Current version 1.0.2
result DifferConstant Diff result changed
differ Array<DialogDiffer.DialogResultDiff> Dialogs diffs [ { index: 0, result: 'changed', base64: 'data:image/png;base64,...' } ]

Suite Dialog Result

Extends Suite Dialog

Property Type Description Example
screenshots Array<base64: String, width: String, height: String> Dialog screenshots [ { base64: 'data:image/png;base64,...', width: 460, height: 350 } ]
[error] { code: String, message: String } Error when creating screenshot { code: 'snap-dialog-from-browser-error', message: 'Could not snap dialog url \'http://example.com/1.0.1/dialog-first.html\'' }

Suite Dialog Result Diff

Property Type Description Example
index Number Index 0
result DifferConstant Diff result identical
base64 String Diff image data:image/png;base64,...

Suite Error

Extends JS Error

Property Type Description Example
message String Error message Unexpected error
code ErrorConstants Error code unexpected-error
args Object Error arguments { dialogId: 'one' }


Error Constants

See ErrorConstants

Property Type Description
unexpected-error String Unexpected error

TODO More errors

Differ Constants

Property Type Description
identical String Identical dialog/screenshot
changed String Changed dialog/screenshot
new String New dialog/screenshot
deleted String Deleted dialog/screenshot

Logger Constants

Property Type Description
none String No logging
debug String Log, info and error logging
info String Info and error logging
error String Error logging


  • npm install
  • npm test


  • npm run dist


  • Examples