
Think of it as CMHealthCheck without the documentation mess. Just healthy health checking healthiness to make sure your site is healthy.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Test and validate various aspects of a MEM / Configuration Manager site server using packaged "test" rules. The default parameters for each rule are stored in the cmhealth.json file under the "reserve" folder. This module is intended to be invoked on the Primary or CAS server using an account which has full administrator rights to the host server, ConfigMgr, and SQL environments.

The main purpose of this module is to generate pipeline output for subsequent action/automation, not to generate documentation. However, you can easily send the output to HTML reports using Out-CmHealthReport or by using Invoke-CmHealthCheck functions.

You can invoke this module from an Azure Automation runbook against on-prem servers using a hybrid worker. If you want more information on this, let me know.

Module Changes and Updates

  • Version 1.0.6

    • Fixed bug in gridview output mapping introduced in 1.0.5 which was introduced by lack of sleep
    • Fixed bug in Test-CmSiteStatusMessages with DLL referencing
    • Added reference comments to Test-HostFirewallPorts
    • Added "samples" folder with DB Maintenance Solution installer script from Steve Thompson (more to be added soon)
  • Version 1.0.5

    • Added detailed descriptions and categories on Test-CmHealth -TestingScope Select (gridview)
  • Version 1.0.4

    • Fixed bug in Test-ADSchemaExtension to address multiple site codes
    • Fixed bug in Test-HostIISLogFiles and removed disk space portion for now
    • Set unique log file for Out-CMHealthReport to avoid overwrite from Test-CmHealth
    • Added -FilterResults to Invoke-CMHealthTests
    • Fixed HTML formatting issues in Out-CMHealthReport
    • Corrected HTML relative href links in the Detailed report index file
    • Replace code in Test-HostFirewallPorts
    • Began adding URL links to reference sites from test results .Message content, more to come
  • Version 1.0.3 (2022-04-17)

    • Fixed bugs from 1.0.2 due to lack of caffeine and too many distractions
  • Version 1.0.2 (2022-04-17)

    • Added Reset-CmHealthConfig function
  • Version 1.0.1 (2022-04-17)

    • Bug fixes, documentation updates
  • Version 1.0.0 (2022-04-17)

    • Removed -Remediate option throughout module
  • Version (2022-04-15)

    • Added NoVersionCheck to Invoke-CmHealthTests
  • Version (2022-04-12)

    • Test-HostServiceAccounts provides exception details in output message
    • Test-SqlDbDedicated provides names of unsupported databases in output message
    • Test-CmInvMaxMIFSize includes registry key and value names in output message
    • Moved several tests to a new "optional" folder to allow users to include them if desired
  • Version (2021-12-19)

    • All Tests: Code updates to improve performance
    • Bug fixes
      • Test-SqlDatabaseNameDefault: was not checking against [Database] parameter value
      • Test-HostServiceAccounts: incorrect result status and message when not passing
    • Internal functions: outputtype added for improved compliance
  • Version 0.4.0 (2021-11-18)

    • Out-CmHealthReport
      • Detailed option produces separate files for each test rather than one gigantic stupid-ass endless CVS-receipt-style report
      • Detailed now creates an index page with links to all the actual test result files
    • Updates
      • Added TestCategory (Category) for each test for easier grouping
      • Test file template has been updated
    • Fixed bugs, I mean features:
      • Test-AdSchemaExtension - If RSAT is not installed, skips test
      • Test-CmWsusLastSync - fixed TestGroup
      • Test-CmClientATPStatus - fixed TestGroup
  • Version 0.3.14 (2021-11-17) - Published to PSGallery

    • Renamed Invoke-CmHealthCheck to Invoke-CmHealthTests - to avoid conflicts with CMHealthCheck module
    • Moved automatic module version check from Import-Module to Test-CmHealth
    • Test-CmHealth has -NoVersionCheck to skip version checking
    • Added -OutputFolder to Invoke-CmHealthTests to control report file(s) location
    • Bug fixes, documentation updates


Installing from PowerShell Gallery

Install-Module cmhealth

Note: this also installs modules dbatools, adsips, and carbon.

Note: Use Test-CMHealthDependencies to keep these other modules up to date on your machines.

Manual or Offline Installation

For situations where the machine you wish to run cmhealth on does not have access to the Internet or the PowerShell Gallery site. For this situation, you will need to download the module .nupkg file, as well as the packages or the dependencies, and install them manually.

  • Visit PowerShell Gallery on a computer which can access the site
  • Search for each of the following modules, and click the "Manual Download" tab
  • Click the "Download the raw nupkg file" button to save the file locally
  • Rename the file to add a .zip extension (makes it easier to open)
  • Click the Learn More link for instructions on how to extract and store the module files
  • Modules:
  • (adsips dependency was removed as of cmhealth 0.3.5)

Usage / Examples

First-Time Use

The first time you invoke Test-CmHealth, it will create a file on your Desktop named "cmhealth.json". This file contains the default values for all of the tests to use for comparing with nominal or "best practices".

Not happy with the baseline values? Not a problem! Simply edit the cmhealth.json file on your desktop, and adjust to your preferences. Thi

You can copy an existing cmhealth.json from one machine or user desktop to another to save time.

Keep Up to Date

Use the Update-Module cmdlet to update the cmhealth module, as shown below:

Update-Module cmhealth

Check and Update dependencies. This will keep the other modules up to date, such as dbatools and carbon.

Test-CmHealthDependencies -Update

Show Detailed Help and Examples

Get-Help Test-CmHealth -Full
Get-Help Invoke-CmHealthReport -Full

Run all tests (default options when running on the CM site server)

Important Notes

  • Test-CmHealth will return results to the console (pipeline).
  • It is recommended that you capture the output in a variable to make it easier to inspect the results.
  • The default site code is assumed to be "P01". Use the -SiteCode parameter to specify a different site code.
  • The default SiteServer and SqlInstance parameter values are "localhost", which assumes running directly on a site system.
  • The -Database and -SiteCode parameters are intentionally separate to allow for cases where the database is not using the default pattern "CM_$SiteCode".

Specifying a Remote or Alternate Site System

$result = Test-CmHealth -SiteCode "P01" -Database "CM_P01" -SiteServer "cmserver01.contoso.local" -SqlInstance "db1.contoso.local"

Run specific types of tests by TestingScope name

Test-CmHealth -SiteCode "P01" -Database "CM_P01" -SiteServer "CM01" -SqlInstance "CM01" -TestingScope Host

Note: This will run all "Host" tests. The default -TestingScope is "ALL".

Run selected tests by selecting in a GridView menu

Test-CmHealth -SiteCode "P01" -Database "CM_P01" -TestingScope Select

Seeing more details by using verbose output...

Test-CmHealth -SiteCode "P01" -Database "CM_P01" -TestingScope Select -Verbose

Run all tests on site server and return only failing results

Test-CmHealth -SiteCode "P01" -Database "CM_P01" | where {$_.Status -ne 'PASS'}

Run all tests on site server and return only warning results

Test-CmHealth -SiteCode "P01" -Database "CM_P01" -TestingScope All | where {$_.Status -eq 'WARNING'}

It's also splattable, if that's even a real word

$params = @{
	SiteServer = "sccm.contoso.local"
	SiteCode   = "P01"
	Database   = "CM_P01"
	TestingScope = "Sql"
	Credential = $mycredential
	Remediate  = $False
$result = Test-CmHealth @params

Generate an HTML Report

You can save the output to HTML several ways. One is is to use the Invoke-CmHealthTests function, which will generate both "detailed" and "summary" HTML reports. Another is to capture the output from Test-CmHealth to a variable and then pipe that to Out-CmHealthReport to export an HTML report. This option allows you to inspect the results from the variable contents, before you send the output to a report file.

For more information use Get-Help Out-CmHealthReport and Get-Help Invoke-CmHealthTests


Save non-passing results to an HTML report

$result = Test-CmHealth -SiteCode 'P01' -Databsae 'CM_P01'
$nonpassing = $result | Where-Object {$_.Status -ne 'Pass'}
$nonpassing | Out-CMHealthReport -Show

Generate non-passing results to an HTML report all in one big-ass command

# inline low self-esteem masochistic version

Invoke-CmHealthTests -SiteCode 'P01' -SiteServer 'cm01.contoso.local' `
	-SQLInstance 'cm01.contoso.local' -DBName 'CM_P01' -ClientName 'Contoso' `
	-FilterResults FailuresOnly

# splatted version, because splatting rocks my world

$tparams = @{
	SiteCode = 'P01'
	SiteServer = 'cm01.contoso.local'
	SQLInstance = 'cm01.contoso.local'
	DBName = 'CM_P01'
	ClientName = 'Contoso'
	FilterResults = 'FailuresOnly'
Invoke-CmHealthTests @tparams

Adding Your Own Tests

The tests provided with the basic installation can be viewed here.

Some tests are included, but not enabled by default. These are found under the "optional" sub-folder of the module path. To enable any of these tests, simply move them into the "tests" folder.

To add more tests, copy the "Test-Example.ps1" script from the "reserve" folder, to an appropriate name under the "Tests" folder. Then edit the parameters as follows:

  • TestName = Same as filename (e.g. "Test-Something.ps1" enter "Test-Something")
  • TestGroup = "configuration", or "operation" (type of condition)
  • Description = whatever describes the test purpose

The -ScriptParams parameter is supplied by Test-CmHealth.

Follow the suggestions in the comments below that, then remove the comments if no longer needed.

Custom Test Parameters

To add your own custom configuration mappings, use the cmhealth.json file, which is copied to your desktop via the -Initialize parameter. Then use the Get-CmHealthDefaultValue function to retrieve it based on the group and keyname within the cmhealth.json file. Note that the variable $CmHealthConfig is defined by Test-CmHealth at runtime.


Get-CmHealthDefaultValue -KeySet "sqlserver:MaxMemAllocationPercent" -DataSet $CmHealthConfig

Issues, Requests, Bugs

  • Please submit via the Issues link above