This project was inspired by Linus Jansson's btd6farmer
If you don't have Python and pip installed, please download and install them from the official Python website.
Once that's done, run installRequirements.bat
If there are any issues with Pytesseract, check out this guide
Open up bt6 and go to the home page. I'd recommend selecting obyn. Then run the game plan from the file. I have an example set up however it's incomplete and serves as an example. Any chimps or hard mode gameplans can be copied from youtube videos. In order to stop the script you can close the game or just the script itself.
If you have any issues with the script feel free to join my discord or add SkellXC
Check out dcChimps to see how the file runs. Generally, each round would look like this:
hero = monkeys.Monkey("hero",0.469921875,0.41203703703703703)
dart0 = monkeys.Monkey("dart",0.521484375,0.6166666666666667)
if correctRound(currentRound,previousRound,6):