Arbetskollen Data Pipeline Project

Project Description

This project aims to implement a modern data stack to support the visualization of job listings through a dashboard. The system is designed to help students and job seekers find relevant occupations and study fields based on the current job market.

Technologies and Tools

  • Snowflake: Used for data storage and management.
  • dlt:
  • dbt: Used for data transformations.
  • Git and GitHub: Version control and collaboration within the team.
  • Streamlit: Used to create the dashboard.
  • Jobtech API: Source of job listings data.

Project Structure

  • data_pipeline/: Contains scripts to extract, load, and transform data from the Jobtech API into Snowflake.
  • dlt_project/:
  • dbt_project/: Contains data models and transformations.
  • dashboard/: Code for data visualization using Streamlit.
  • tests/: Contains tests for data transformations and modeling.


  1. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. Install the necessary packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Set up connections to Snowflake,dlt and dbt by configuring profiles.yml and secrets.toml.


Run the data extraction from Jobtech API and load it into Snowflake:

python dlt/

Go into the dbt folder: cd dbt/arbetskollen_data_pipeline

cd dbt/arbetskollen_data_pipeline
dbt deps
dbt run

You can then try the tests:

dbt tests

You can then look into the documentation:

dbt docs generate
dbt docs serve

Start the dashboard using Streamlit: You have to set up youre .env file. then run:

python streamlit_dashboard/

Agile Workflow

This project follows a Kanban methodology using GitHub Projects. Tasks are managed in smaller iterations, and we use pull requests to review and merge code.