
Python implementation of generic messaging patterns.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Quality Check Status Release Status Coverage

Python implementation of generic messaging patterns.

A general purpose messaging library that provides a neutral API for the most used communication patterns, like pub-sub, request-response, etc.

The main purpose of the messenger package is to provide an abstraction layer on top of the messaging middlewares.

It defines a generic interface to open the connection to the queues and topics of the middleware and to access to these data-stream using the typical messaging patterns, see the Messaging Patterns Overview of the Enterprise Integration Patterns for further details.

The implementation relies on the following technologies:

IMPORTANT NOTE: This version of the package uses the NATS JetStream for durable functions. In case you need the NATS streaming use the older version of this package before v1.0.0.

Read the API docs and see the RPC examples and MPA examples for further details on the usage of the package.


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License