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Admin AAN Web

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This web solution is part of Apprentice Ambassador Network (AAN) project. AAN requires admin users to create and manage events which are organised by the ambassadors. Also there is a need to manage ambassadors (members). These two journies are enabled in this solution.

How It Works

The web module uses default landing dashboard on admin portal das-admin-service.

There are two types of admin users, pure admin users who mainly manage events and then there are regional chairs who can also manage ambassadors. The users have to have a working DFE Sign-in to authenticate and they should have at least one of the following claims:

  • AMM Manage members role
  • AME Manage events role

🚀 Installation


  • A clone of this repository
  • An Azure Active Directory account with the appropriate roles as per the config.
  • The Outer API das-apim-endpoints should be available either running locally or accessible in an Azure tenancy.
  • The Inner API das-aan-hub-api should be available either running locally or accessible in an Azure tenancy.


You can find the latest config file in das-employer-config repository

In the web project, if not exist already, add AppSettings.Development.json file with following content:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "ConfigurationStorageConnectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true;",
  "ConfigNames": "SFA.DAS.AdminAan.Web,SFA.DAS.Provider.DfeSignIn",
  "EnvironmentName": "LOCAL",
  "ResourceEnvironmentName": "LOCAL",
  "Version": "1.0",
  "cdn": {
    "url": "https://das-test-frnt-end.azureedge.net"

Make sure you have DFESignin configuration set up from [das-employer-config repository] (https://github.com/SkillsFundingAgency/das-employer-config/blob/master/das-shared-config/SFA.DAS.Provider.DfeSignIn.json) using:

  • PartitionKey: LOCAL
  • RowKey: SFA.DAS.Provider.DfeSignIn_1.0
  • Data: (config as above)


  • .NetCore 8.0
  • NUnit
  • Moq
  • FluentAssertions
  • RestEase
  • MediatR