Reference Data API

This solution represents the Reference Data API code base.


Build Status

Running locally


In order to run this solution locally you will need the following installed:

You should run Visual Studio as an Administrator.


  • Running the RunBuild.bat will expose any dependency issues
  • Running the Database project (SFA.DAS.ReferenceData.Database) will provision the local DB instance with relevent seed data.
  • In the Azure Storage Explorer, connect to local storage. In the "(Development)" storage account, create a new local table named "Configuration" and load the following row data:
    • PartitionKey => LOCAL
    • RowKey => SFA.DAS.ReferenceDataAPI_1.0
    • Data => Contents of the environment configuration JSON document (found in src/SFA.DAS.ReferenceData.Api\App_Data\LOCAL_SFA.DAS.ReferenceData.Api_1.0.json)
  • Update the connection string in the JSON to point at your LocalDB instance (look around in Visual Studio's SQL Server Object Explorer)


Running the cloud service will start the web application in your browser.

Public Sector Organisations Lookup

The API provides a list of all public sector organisation names that is manually retrieved from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) website and stored as json into Azure cloud storage.

The ONS Data set of public sector organisations can be found here Public sector organisation (ONS)

(Note: Only public sector organisations that have a category that doesn't include the word 'former' should be added to the list of available public sector organisations from this dataset)

To add organisation names simply open up the json file:


And add any number organisation names to the list. Each entry in the list is made up of a Name and a Source, where Source indicates where the data came from and is one of:

  • 1 - ONS
  • 2 - NHS
  • 3 - Police

You can then store the json text in the same way as the Reference Data configuration (as mentioned above in the Setup section) with the RowKey value of 'SFA.DAS.ReferenceData.PublicOrganisationNames_1.0'

Below is an example of what the file may look like

    "Organisations": [
      "Name": "Example Public Body From ONS",
      "Source": 1
      "Name": "Example Public Body from NHS",
      "Source": 2
      "Name": "Example Public Body from Police",
      "Source": 3

There is a tool - PublicSectorDataJsonFormatter - to assist with the generation of this file in the Tools folder of the EAS project. This tool runs at the command line, and looks for lists of organisations names in files named "nhs", "ons" and "police" in its executing folder. It outputs a json file in the above format.