
Main repository for Data.gov's stack deployment

Primary LanguagePython

Data.gov Deploy


This main repository for Data.gov's stack deployment onto AWS Infrastructure. The responsitory is broken into the following roles all created/provisioned using Ansible:

Included in this Repository:

  • Software
    • Data.gov (Wordpress)
    • Catalog.data.gov (CKAN 2.3)
    • Inventory.data.gov (CKAN 2.5)
    • Labs.data.gov/CRM (Open311 CRM)
    • Labs.data.gov/Dashboard (Project Open Data Dashboard)
  • Security
    • Baseline OS Hardening
    • GSA IT Security Agents
    • Fluentd (Logging)
    • New Relic (Infrastructure Monitoring)
    • New Relic (Application Performance Monitoring)
    • Trendmicro (OSSEC-HIDS)
    • OSQuery (TBD)

Project Status

See our Roadmap.

Provision Infrastructure

Moved to datagov-infrastructure

Requirements for Software Provisioning

  • Ansible > 1.10
  • SSH access (via keypair) to remote instances
  • ansible-secret.txt: export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/ansible-secret.txt
  • run all provisioning/app deployment commands from repo's ansible folder
  • to update ansible/roles/vendor roles run there: ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
  • {{ inventory }} can be:
    • inventories/staging/hosts
    • inventories/production/hosts
    • inventories/local/hosts

Provision apps

cd ansible

ansible-playbook --help

See example(s) below


provision vm & deploy app: ansible-playbook datagov-web.yml -i {{ inventory }} --tags="provision" --limit wordpress-web

deploy app: ansible-playbook datagov-web.yml -i {{ inventory }} --tags="deploy" --limit wordpress-web

deploy rollback: ansible-playbook datagov-web.yml -i {{ inventory }} --tags="deploy-rollback" --limit wordpress-web

  • You can override branch to be deployed via -e project_git_version=develop

    e.g. ansible-playbook datagov-web.yml -i inventories/staging/hosts --tags=deploy --limit wordpress-web -e project_git_version=develop


provision vm & deploy app: ansible-playbook dashboard-web.yml -i {{ inventory }} --tags="provision" --limit dashboard-web

deploy app: ansible-playbook dashboard-web.yml -i {{ inventory }} --tags="deploy"

deploy rollback: ansible-playbook dashboard-web.yml -i {{ inventory }} --tags="deploy-rollback"


provision vm & deploy app: ansible-playbook crm-web.yml -i {{ inventory }} --tags="provision" --limit crm-web

deploy app: ansible-playbook crm-web.yml -i {{ inventory }} --tags="deploy"

deploy rollback: ansible-playbook crm-web.yml -i {{ inventory }} --tags="deploy-rollback"


provision vm - web: ansible-playbook catalog.yml -i {{ inventory }} --tags="frontend,ami-fix,bsp" --skip-tags="solr,db,cron" --limit catalog-web

provision vm - harvester: ansible-playbook catalog.yml -i {{ inventory }} --tags="harvester,ami-fix,bsp" --skip-tags="apache,solr,db,saml2" --limit catalog-harvester

provision vm - solr: ansible-playbook catalog.yml -i {{ inventory }} --tags="solr,ami-fix,bsp" --limit solr


provision vm && deploy app: ansible-playbook inventory.yml -i {{ inventory }} --skip-tags="solr,db,deploy-rollback" --limit inventory-web

provision vm - solr: ansible-playbook inventory.yml -i {{ inventory }} --tags="solr,ami-fix,bsp" --limit solr


provision vm && deploy app: ansible-playbook jekyll.yml -i {{ inventory }} --limit jekyll-web


provision vm && deploy app: ansible-playbook elasticsearch.yml -i {{ inventory }}


provision vm && deploy app: ansible-playbook kibana.yml -i {{ inventory }}

EFK nginx

provision vm && deploy app: ansible-playbook efk_nginx.yml -i {{ inventory }}


install the trendmicro agent: ansible-playbook trendmicro.yml -i {{ inventory }}

Add SecOps user: ansible-playbook secops.yml -i {{ inventory }}

Upgrade ubuntu VMs:

ansible all -m shell -a "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" --sudo

ansible all -m shell -a "service tomcat6 restart" --sudo

ansible all -m shell -a "service ntp restart" --sudo

ansible all -m shell -a "/usr/bin/killall dhclient && dhclient -1 -v -pf /run/dhclient.eth0.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.leases eth0" --sudo


dpkg errors:

sed -i '/postdrop/d' /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride

sed -i '/ssl-cert/d' /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride

ntpd issues: apt-get remove ntp && apt-get purge ntp && apt-get autoclean && apt-get autoremove

Unable to resolve host IP: echo $(hostname) >> /etc/hosts


Install the dependencies (from a python virtualenv).

$ make setup

Run the playbooks locally.

$ make test

Run a single suite.

$ bundle exec kitchen test catalog

Log into the instance to debug.

$ bundle exec kitchen login catalog

Re-run the playbook from a particular step.

$ ANSIBLE_EXTRA_FLAGS='--start-at-task="software/ckan/apache : make sure postgresql packages are installed"' bundle exec kitchen converge catalog

Lint your work.

$ make lint

Refer to kitchen commands for more information.