Welcome to the repository dedicated to setting up the environment for working with R and Python in Jupyter Notebooks within Visual Studio Code. This repository provides comprehensive information and code examples for preparing your development environment to seamlessly use R and Python for data analysis and visualization.
To get started with setting up your environment, follow the instructions provided in the respective files for R and Python. Each file contains detailed documentation and code examples for configuring your environment and utilizing the available data retrieval options.
For R enthusiasts, this repository offers various options for data retrieval from different sources. The following data sources and packages are covered:
📌OANDA: Access financial data through the OANDA API.
📌Google Finance: Retrieve financial data using Google Finance.
📌Finam.ru: Obtain financial data from the Finam.ru platform.
📌Twitter: Fetch data from Twitter using R.
📌FRED: Access economic data through the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) API.
📌Yahoo Finance: Get financial data from Yahoo Finance.
📌DataMarket: Utilize the DataMarket API for data retrieval.
📌Bloomberg: Connect and retrieve data from Bloomberg.
📌ggplot2: An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics for data visualization in R + Access various datasets.
📌Datasets: Access various datasets for analysis.
For Python users, this repository provides alternatives for data retrieval, ensuring flexibility and choice. The supported options include:
📌yfinance: Retrieve financial data using the yfinance library.
📌pandas_datareader: Access financial data through the pandas_datareader library.
📌Alpha Vantage: Fetch data from Alpha Vantage API.
📌quandl: Obtain financial and economic data from Quandl.
📌Finam.ru: Access financial data using Python from the Finam.ru platform.
- Python: Add more Python APIs
- Python: Fix problem with google finance
- Python: Fix problem with finam
This repository is based on Vyacheslav Arbuza's article, "Review of Packages for R for Market Data Downloading" Feel free to explore, experiment, and enhance your data analysis capabilities with the rich features provided in this repository. 🚀 Happy coding! 🚀