
I followed Learn Go with tests to learn GO in a TDD approach

Nice hacks

In our function signature we have made a named return value (prefix string). This will create a variable called prefix in your function. This will also display in the Go Doc, so it makes things easier

func greetingPrefix(language string) (prefix string) {
	switch language {
	case french:
		prefix = frenchHelloPrefix
	case spanish:
		prefix = spanishHelloPrefix
		prefix = englishHelloPrefix

Key takeaway

  1. There is a built-in testing package support

    • all test file name with xxx_test.go
    • testing.T for test state
    • testing.B for benchmark test
    • to write multiple test cases within a general testing function
    • go test -cover run a coverage test
  2. const for const stuff

  3. var <name> <type> for variable, or <name> := <value> for shorthanded init

  4. Exported names start with Capital letter; Internal start with small letter

  5. variadic functions: take a variable number of arguements

    • func test (numbersToSum ...[]int) int
    • It means I can pass 1, 2, 3+ []int into the test function
  6. Function is diff from method

    • method is a fucntion with a receiver
    • func (receiver receiverBase / struct) <name>() <return type>
    • func (t Type) methodName(parameter list)
    • E.g. `func (c Circle) Area() float64
  7. Interface is implicit, no keyword implement

    • type <name> interface
    • once other struct implements all the methods from interface, it is already using that interface
    • Declaring interfaces so you can define functions that can be used by different types (Parametric polymorphism)
  8. Table-driven test

    • Each table entry is a complete test case with inputs and expected results
    • create anonymous struct: []struct{ interface InterfaceBase ...}{{test case input, output}, {test case 2 input, output},}
    • loop over test case: for _, testCase := range testCases {...}
  9. New type from existing one

    • except struct, we can create a less overkilled type
    • syntax: type <MyName> <OriginalType>
    • E.g: type Bitcoin int
    • we can also declare methods for the type
  10. Pointer

    • Go copies values when you pass them to functions/methods, so if you're writing a function that needs to mutate state you'll need it to take a pointer to the thing you want to change.
    • pass a reference. Examples include referencing very large data structures or things where only one instance is necessary (like database connection pools)
    • func Add(x int) which take an integer as the parameter.
    • func AddPtr(x *int) which takes a pointer integer as the parameter.
    • AddPtr(&abc) which pass the memory address
  11. nil

    • Pointers can be nil
    • When a function returns a pointer to something, you need to make sure you check if it's nil or you might raise a runtime exception - the compiler won't help you here.
    • Useful for when you want to describe a value that could be missing
  12. Errors

    • Errors are the way to signify failure when calling a function/method.