Keypad Matrix Assembly Project

This repository contains an assembly language implementation for interfacing with a 3x4 keypad matrix using MASM assembly. It demonstrates how to read input from the keypad and display corresponding output on a simulated LED display.


Keypad Input: Reads keypresses from a 4x4 matrix keypad. Output Display: Simulates displaying characters corresponding to keypad inputs. Example Code: Includes example code for initializing the keypad, reading input, and displaying output.

Files Included

TEST.asm: Main assembly code implementing keypad interaction and output display. keypad.asm: Assembly code handling keypad scanning and input processing. This file, providing an overview of the project and instructions. LICENSE: MIT License for the project.


To assemble and run the project using DOSBox with MASM (Microsoft Macro Assembler):

Clone the Repository:

bash Copy code git clone cd Keypad-matrix_assembly

Set Up DOSBox and MASM:

Download and install DOSBox from Download and install MASM (Microsoft Macro Assembler) compatible with DOSBox. Run DOSBox:

Launch DOSBox and mount the directory where your project files are located. Assemble and Run:

Navigate to your project directory inside DOSBox. Use MASM to assemble main.asm: arduino Copy code masm main.asm; Link the assembled object file (if necessary): bash Copy code link main.obj; Run the executable: css Copy code main.exe Follow on-screen instructions to interact with the simulated keypad and observe the output. Example Code assembly Copy code ; Example code snippet demonstrating keypad input and output display ; Initialize keypad, read input, and display output

; Your assembly code here Development Environment Assembler: MASM (Microsoft Macro Assembler) compatible with DOSBox Platform: DOSBox (DOS Emulator) Operating System: Any OS with DOSBox installed (Windows, macOS, Linux) Contributions Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Author: [Stefan Vasilevski] GitHub: [Your GitHub profile URL]