
C++17 lightweight state machine with a user-friendly syntax

Primary LanguageC++

Compact State Machine

An event based header-only lightweight state machine that extensively employs compile time to avoid virtual calls and simplify the declaration of transition tables/action rules.

The main motivation behind this project is to provide users with a means to declare extensible, compact and readable complex transition rules while avoiding constant repetition. For example, if you have several states of a person:

enum class AttitudeState{ Friendly, Neutral, Hostile };

and several events:

struct MeleeAtack{};
struct RangedAttack{};

a typical declaration of the transition table would look akin to:

Friendly + MeleeAttack = Hostile
Friendly + RangedAttack = Hostile
Neutral + MeleeAttack = Hostile
Neutral + RangedAttack = Hostile

With the syntax provided with csm the equivalent declaration would be:

From<Friendly, Neutral> && On<MeleeAttack, RangedAttack> = To<Hostile>

The syntax allows to merge multiple conditions leading to the same outcome into logical groups.


The library is currently under development and is more of a proof of concept. As of now, it supports:

  • State transitioning
  • Entry/exit actions
  • Event actions
  • Flexible guards for both of the above

Planned features include:

  • State observers
  • State history


The library is header-only, simply copy the header into your project's directory and include it.


Code example

A very basic canonical example of a swtich state machine might look like this:

#include <csm.h>

// External states
enum class SwitchState{ On, Off, Broken };

// Events
struct Press{};
struct Smash{};

struct Switch : csm::StateMachine<Switch, SwitchState>
    // Internal states
    struct StateOn : State<SwitchState::On>{};
    struct StateOff : State<SwitchState::Off>{};
    struct StateBroken : State<SwitchState::Broken>{};

    // Action
    struct Break{
        void operator()(Switch& s, const Smash&){ s.isBroken = true; }

    // Guard
    struct IsBroken{
        bool operator()(Switch& s){ return s.isBroken; }

    // Transition table and action rules
    static constexpr auto TransitionRules{ csm::MakeTransitionRules(
        From<StateOn> && On<Press> && IfNot<IsBroken> = To<StateOff>,
        From<StateOff> && On<Press> && IfNot<IsBroken> = To<StateOn>,
        From<StateOn, StateOff> && On<Smash> = To<StateBroken>

    static constexpr auto ActionRules{ csm::MakeActionRules(
        On<Smash> && IfNot<IsBroken> = Do<Break>

    bool isBroken{ false };

void UseSwitch()
    Switch sm{ SwitchState::Off };

    sm.ProcessEvent(Press{}); // Off -> On
    auto currState{ sm.GetState() }; // On

    sm.ProcessEvent(Smash{}); // On -> Broken
    currState = sm.GetState(); // Broken

    sm.ProcessEvent(Press{}); // Ignored
    currState = sm.GetState(); // Broken

For more code examples please refer to examples