
AutoComplete exercise

Primary LanguageJava





  • git
  • maven 3
  • jdk 8+
  • docker
  • linux (docker on mac may be incompatible when pull images)

compile and test

  • mkdir autocomplete;cd autocomplete
  • git clone -b master https://github.com/zhouquan2k/AutoComplete.git
  • cd AutoComplete; mvn verify # deploy mysql container, run integration test, see testcase: ex.autocomplete.test.AutoCompleteApiIT


  • chmod +x start_mysql; ./start_mysql # start mysql container
  • mvn -D spring.profiles.active=prod exec:java # run rest api server, import about 190K city data to database when first time run
  • TODO for production usage,should package to a docker image for easy deployment

api url

Design: Main class diagram


Design: score

  • distance = 6378.138 * 2 * ASIN( SQRT( POW( SIN( ( lat1 * PI() / 180 - lat2 * PI() / 180 ) / 2 ), 2 ) + COS(lat1 * PI() / 180) * COS(lat2 * PI() / 180) * POW( SIN( ( lng1 * PI() / 180 - lng2 * PI() / 180 ) / 2 ), 2 ) ) )
  • score = distance/max distance * 0.8 + matched_length/city_name_length * 0.2
  • (0.8,0.2 is the weight for distance and text match)

Design: Java Package comment

  • ex.autocomplete: Rest API
  • ex.autocomplete.impl.sql: using Sql to implement auto complete function
  • compoment.mybatisex: extend Mybatis-Plus to support batch insert

Automated test

  • using integration test maven plugin: maven-failsafe-plugin
  • using docker-maven-plugin to run mysql container for integration test

Used tech stack

  • Java 8
  • SpringBoot 2.3 (WebServer and Rest API)
  • MybatisPlus (ORM)
  • Druid (DB Connection Pool Management)
  • Mysql
  • Swagger (http api doc)
  • mybatis-enhance-actable (auto create table)
  • maven plugins: maven-failsafe-plugin,docker-maven-plugin (Integration Test)

... see details in pom.xml