A .NET Standard 2.1 library for the REST API of Passwork Pro (self hosted) instance. Based on v4 of the REST API.
This .NET Connector uses a database-like context object, to access vaults, folders and passwords. It supports both master password enabled/disabled situations.
Get yourself a context object, which gives access to all options.
//create the client
var client = new Client("https://your-server/api/v4/");
//get the context object by login
var ctx = await client.Login("<apikey>", "<optional masterpassword>");
//Adding a vault, returns a `IVault` object.
var vault = await ctx.AddVault("SampleVault", false);
//With the vault object , you can add Folders (and passwords directly in the vault).
var folder = vault.AddFolder("SampleFolder");
//Creating a password in the folder object you just obtained.
var p = folder.CreatePassword();
p.Name = "Hello";
p.Pass = "Some secretpassword";
await p.Save();
To read the password field and the custom fields in an IPassword
object, you must first unlock the secrets by calling Unlock
var folder = await vault.GetFolderByName("MyFolder");
var passes = await folder.GetPasswords();
//lets use the first password in this folder.
var p = passes[0];
await p.Unlock();
//after Unlock , the password is readable
You can also search passwords, based on some query string, or tags, or colors. Searching can start from the context, or from a specific vault.
var passes = await ctx.Query()
From the context object you receive, after the login, you can perform the following methods.
Methods (async) | Returns |
AddVault(string name, bool isPrivate) |
IVault |
GetVaults() |
IVault[] |
GetVaultByName(string name) |
IVault |
GetVaultByID(string id) |
IVault |
GetPasswordByID(string id) |
IPassword |
GetPasswordsRecent() |
IPassword[] |
GetPasswordsFavorite() |
IPassword[] |
GetTags() |
string[] |
GetColors() |
int[] |
Properties are Id
, Name
Methods (async) | Returns |
CreatePassword() |
INewPassword |
GetPasswords() |
IPassword[] |
GetFolders() |
IFolder[] |
GetFolderByName(string name) |
IFolder |
AddFolder(string name) |
IFolder |
Delete() |
bool |
GetColors() |
int[] |
GetTags() |
string[] |
Properties are : Id
, Name
, AmountFolders
, AmountPasswords
Methods (async) | Returns |
Refresh() |
- |
AddFolder(string name) |
IFolder |
Rename(string name) |
IFolder |
GetFolders() |
IFolder[] |
CreatePassword() |
INewPassword |
GetPasswords() |
IPassword[] |
Delete() |
bool |
Properties are : Id
, Name
, Url
, Password
, Login
, Description
, Tags
, Color
, CustomRecords
An password object which is just created and not yet saved to the database. Calling save will return you IPassword , with more methods.
Methods (async) | Returns |
Save() |
IPassword |
Extension of INewPassword, provides additional methods.
Methods (async) | Returns |
Save() |
- |
Unlock() |
- |
Delete() |
bool |
SetFavorite(bool IsFavorite) |
- |
AddAttachment(name, byte[] content) |
- |
GetAttachments() |
IAttachment |
Properties are : Id
, Name
Methods (async) | Returns |
GetContent() |
byte[] |
Delete() |
bool |