
CSE 110 Virtual Wellness App - Habitat

Primary LanguageTypeScript


One of the biggest obstacles to building habits is that they often feel like work. Habitat from Team Habit aims to flip that notion on its head by giving users the tools they need for self-improvement. Habitat features cute virtual pets that users can keep happy and buy cosmetics for using the Friendship Points they receive after completing tasks. By treating task completion as a game rather than a chore, Habitat empowers users to complete their goals and have fun while doing so. We hope you enjoy bonding with your virtual pet in Habitat! Cat Image

Login Credentials

The following login credentials should be used in this app.

Username Password Details
test_username password1! Used for most test cases
test_case6 password1! Used for test case 6 (logout)
new_username password1! Account should be used for testing the sign-up functionality in the test cases
Darin8 pass123!!! Used for wellness contract functionality (cases 20-24)
new_1_testername password1! Account should be used for testing the sign-up functionality in the user story acceptance tests


To run this app you will need the following:

  • Node
  • Android Studio
  • any JDK


Since our app isn't actually deployed and runs on an emulator, we can simply clone the gitHub repo.

git clone https://github.com/Skumar30/Habitat.git

After cloning, navigate to the habitat_app folder and install the node modules for our front-end.

cd Habitat/habitat_app
npm install

Next, navigate to our server and install node modules there as well

cd habitat_server
npm install

Lastly, we need to setup our IP address since the server will run on your computer.
To find your ip address:
(Windows): In command prompt:


Specifically, we want the IPv4 Address under Wireless LAN adapter WI-Fi 2: (or Wireless Lan adapter WI-Fi if there is no 2)

Follow this link

Once you have your IP Address, open up ../src/IP_ADDRESS.tsx and replace YOUR IPv4 Address Here with your IP.

Your IP_ADDRESS.tsx should look something like this:

export const IP_ADDRESS = '123.456.789.012';

How to Run

To run the app, we need to do 3 things:

  • start the server
  • start the metro bundler
  • launch the emulator

Starting the server

Simply navigate to the server folder and start

cd habitat_app/habitat_server
npm start

Starting the metro bundler

To launch our react-native app, in a new terminal window navigate to habitat_app and start

cd habitat_app/
npx react-native start

Note: On Macs, react-native start can be used instead of npx react-native start

Launching the emulator

In a new terminal window navigate to habitat_app and launch the android emulator

cd habitat_app/
npx react-native run-android

Note: On Macs, react-native run-android can be used instead of npx react-native run-android

You will initially encounter a white screen on the emulator while the bundler loads the files.
If the white screen persists:

  • There may have been a problem with the bundler: enter r on the Metro Bundler terminal
  • If that doesnt fix the problem, follow the above instructions to restart the metro bundler and emulator. Ensure that the bundler is started first.

Known Bugs

There are currently no known bugs at this time.