
packet sniffer in c++

Primary LanguageC++

Author: Skuratovich Aliaksandr xskura01@vutbr.cz

Date: 24.4.2022

Light-weight packet sniffer && script for generating the packets

Zniffer is a light weight UNIX-like platform independent commandline-driven packet sniffer implemented in c++.


  • specify the parameters such as network interface, port and many more in commandline
  • wait until packets are captured
  • read necessary information about the captured packets


Libraries used in the project are:

  • pcap
  • c++ standard library


  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/SkuratovichA/ipk2 && cd ipk2

CMake building system:

  1. Make folder where binaries and build files will be stored
mkdir build
  1. Run CMake application to create a Makefile
cmake ../
  1. Run make command to compile binaries.


  1. Compile the project.


Note: To run this program, you should have sudo priveleges.

sudo ./ipk_sniffer [parameters]

Where [parameters] can be:

  • [-i|--interface] interface one interface packets will be sniffed on.
    • If not provided or is provided without a value, a list of active interfaces is printed and program terminates.
  • -p port packets will be filtered on the interface w.r.t. port
    • If not provided, all ports are used.
    • If provided, ports are used both from src and dst.
  • [--tcp|-t] TCP packets are shown.
  • [--udp|-u] UPD packets are shown.
  • [--arp] ARP packets are shown.
  • [--icmp] ICMP packets are shown.
    • If no option for protocol is provided, all packets are being captured.
  • -n num number of sniffed packets.
    • If not provided, only one packet is captured.


  1. Capture 2 TCP packets on interface en0: Terminal output

  2. Capture 10 ICMP packets on port 42690. Terminal output You can see, these is no packets here. For these purposese, PyPaGen.py was implemented.


Python script for generating the packets


  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/SkuratovichA/ipk2 && cd ipk2
  1. Go to tests/ directory
cd tests
  1. Install python3.10
  2. Install required packages.
pip install -r requirements

or using conda:

conda create --name pypagen python=3.10
conda activate pypagen
conda install -r requirements.txt


python PyPaGen.py [parameters]

Where the [parameters] can be:

  • [-h|--help] show this help message and exit
  • --protocol PROTOCOL Protocol string. One of ARP, IPV{4,6}, UDP, TCP. If not specified, 'ipv4' is used.
  • --port PORT - Port number. If not specified, 42690 is used.
  • --interface INTERFACE Interface.If not specified, en0 is used.
  • --count COUNT Number of accepted packets. If not specified, 42 packets are sent.
  • --msg MSG Message in packet data. If not specified, "tristatriatricet stribrnych paketu preletelo pres tristatriatricet stribrnych rozhrani" is added to the packet data.


  1. Create 1000000 IPV4 packets with message "=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=DDOSED_DDOSED_DDOSED_DDOSED\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=" Captured packets

  2. Create 100 IPV6 packets on interface en0 and message "Neural networks is just a well sold linear algebra. We can compare every system with brain. Even studid linear algebra and matrix multiplication. Oh, wait..." Captured packets

  3. Create 10 IPV6 packets with multivariate gaussian distribution. equation for multivariate gaussian distribution in latex:

    $$\mathcal{N}({\bf{\mu}},\,{\bf\Sigma}) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{(2\pi)^D\cdot|{\bf\Sigma}|}}\cdot{{e}^{-\frac{1}{2}{\bf(x-\mu)}{\bf\Sigma^{-1}}{\bf(x-\mu)}^T}}$$

    And plaintext representation is:\mathcal{N}({\bf{\mu}},\,{\bf\Sigma}) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{(2\pi)^D\cdot|{\bf\Sigma}|}}\cdot{{e}^{-\frac{1}{2}{\bf(x-\mu)}{\bf\Sigma^{-1}}{\bf(x-\mu)}^T}} Captured packets