
Play videos 📺 files in real time directly in your terminal

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Ascii-video-player 📺

Play video 📺 files in real time directly in your terminal.

Installation 📦

⚠️ Before all, you need to have OpenCV 4.x installed

With make - Linux 🐧


# 📂 ascii-video-player/
# ⚙️ binary -> build/ascii-video-player

Add binary to bin folder

make install

Build from source - Linux 🐧 & Windows 🪟

Create a build folder

# 📂 ascii-video-player
mkdir build
cd build

Initialize CMake

# 📂 ascii-video-player

cmake ..


# 📂 ascii-video-player

[ LINUX ONLY ] : Move the binary

# 📂 ascii-video-player
sudo cp ascii-video-player /usr/local/bin/

On windows the executable will be build\ascii-video-player you can move it wherever you want.

Usage 📝

Examples ✨

The two videos are provided in the repository.

And yes, all this in your terminal.

# 📂 ascii-video-player
ascii-video-player bad-apple.mp4

# 📂 ascii-video-player
ascii-video-player bad-apple-amv-colored.mp4 -b

Uninstall 🗑

With make

Run make uninstall

# 📂 ascii-video-player
make uninstall


Just remove the binary

sudo rm /usr/bin/ascii-video-player


If you have any problem, don't hesitate to open an issue


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.