- 0
champions bans images not showing
#40 opened by EwoonGiT - 1
OSL_Client inactive
#39 opened by hoangnam2812 - 1
Aurora add at fr_fr
#37 opened by EugenXkonovalov - 4
OSL client dont work
#38 opened by Marcowodzu - 6
Riot Launcher Path not found
#36 opened by thelanda - 1
#34 opened by alexissosa88 - 0
#35 opened by alexissosa88 - 2
Can you help with this here?
#30 opened by overkido - 0
Bug - images of picks and bans, e ingame
#31 opened by overkido - 0
- 3
adjustment suggestion
#28 opened by overkido - 5
- 21
bug api ingame
#19 opened by overkido - 2
Erro Runes, end game info.
#20 opened by overkido - 3
bug champion select
#25 opened by overkido - 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
possible adjustment in picks and bans?
#14 opened by overkido - 3
Question about design
#13 opened by SacredDonJuan - 4
#12 opened by SacredDonJuan - 14
can someone help me configure an api?
#11 opened by overkido - 3
LcuApi Request error
#10 opened by syuanlyu - 0
- 2
hm... not working
#6 opened by shinilee