JArcweave is an API built to read exported JSON files from the Arcweave dialogue editing program. This allows the user to import projects from Arcweave and use it in their Java-based projects. Additionally, this API is designed to also act as a fully documented learning tool for those interested in making their own Arcweave importers for various other programming languages.
- Arcweave JSON Project importing: load Arcweave files into Java as a "raw" format where all of the data is preserved as is
- Arcweave Project "processing": projects can be converted with a single line into a more object-based java-friendly format where all objects are referenced by references rather than string IDs.
- A basic example program included for testing and learning how to use the API
- All classes in the project are fully documented
- Text document included which summarizes the Arcweave JSON format, along with tips on expanding JArcweave's functionality
- Hello World: a basic Hello World program that lets you test out exported JSON files
Below is functionality from Arcweave that is omitted by this parser. This is due to those features being either unapplicable or due to the fact it would take a great deal of time to implemented and maintain.
- Assets
- Variables
- Conditions
- Branches