
ENet binding in Go for Growtopia Private Server using cgo. Based on codecat/go-enet.

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Enet bindings in Go for Growtopia Private Server using cgo. Based on codecat/go-enet


First, you might need to install enet as a dependency:

  • Windows: Nothing to do - should work out of the box with the supplied headers and library.
  • Linux: Install the enet development package with your package manager.
    • On Debian-based systems: apt install libenet-dev
  • MacOS: Install the enet package with brew: brew install enet
$ go get github.com/eikarna/gotops


import "github.com/eikarna/gotops"

The API is mostly the same as the C API, except it's more object-oriented.

Server example

This is a basic server example that responds to packets "ping" and "bye".

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Initialize enet

	// Create a host listening on
	host, err := enet.NewHost(enet.NewListenAddress(8095), 32, 1, 0, 0)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't create host: %s", err.Error())

	// The event loop
	for true {
		// Wait until the next event
		ev := host.Service(1000)

		// Do nothing if we didn't get any event
		if ev.GetType() == enet.EventNone {

		switch ev.GetType() {
		case enet.EventConnect: // A new peer has connected
			log.Info("New peer connected: %s", ev.GetPeer().GetAddress())

		case enet.EventDisconnect: // A connected peer has disconnected
			log.Info("Peer disconnected: %s", ev.GetPeer().GetAddress())

		case enet.EventReceive: // A peer sent us some data
			// Get the packet
			packet := ev.GetPacket()

			// We must destroy the packet when we're done with it
			defer packet.Destroy()

			// Get the bytes in the packet
			packetBytes := packet.GetData()

			// Respond "pong" to "ping"
			if string(packetBytes) == "ping" {
				ev.GetPeer().SendString("pong", ev.GetChannelID(), enet.PacketFlagReliable)

			// Disconnect the peer if they say "bye"
			if string(packetBytes) == "bye" {

	// Destroy the host when we're done with it

	// Uninitialize enet

Client example

This is a basic client example that sends a ping to the server every second that there is no event.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Initialize enet

	// Create a client host
	client, err := enet.NewHost(nil, 1, 1, 0, 0)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't create host: %s", err.Error())

	// Connect the client host to the server
	peer, err := client.Connect(enet.NewAddress("", 8095), 1, 0)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Couldn't connect: %s", err.Error())

	// The event loop
	for true {
		// Wait until the next event
		ev := client.Service(1000)

		// Send a ping if we didn't get any event
		if ev.GetType() == enet.EventNone {
			peer.SendString("ping", 0, enet.PacketFlagReliable)

		switch ev.GetType() {
		case enet.EventConnect: // We connected to the server
			log.Info("Connected to the server!")

		case enet.EventDisconnect: // We disconnected from the server
			log.Info("Lost connection to the server!")

		case enet.EventReceive: // The server sent us data
			packet := ev.GetPacket()
			log.Info("Received %d bytes from server", len(packet.GetData()))

	// Destroy the host when we're done with it

	// Uninitialize enet