
Note: These tests are not mandatory, I've built them to help you test your code, and verify if any of your functions aren't working as expected. This is a work in progress and served "as is", The tests might test more than what the exercises asks for, but it's a good way to test your code.

How to run the tests

To run the tests, simply clone this repository, and download the prologTester extension that I've created.

You can download it here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SkyDev.prologtester

Have fun! I hope the tests help you out!

How to contribute

Feel free to contribute to this repository, and add more tests! The more the merrier and the easier it becomes to discover what issues your code might have! (we need tons of puzzles to test the solving functions!).

To contribute just download the repository and do a pull request, I'll check the tests individually and see whether they are approved or not. (if you don't know how to do a pull request, just send me the tests and I'll add them myself).