CREDIT: SkyJedi made dis
A Discord Bot Roller for the DRYH RPG
!Roll DiceIdentifiers
- D/Discipline = discipline dice
- E/Exhaustion = exhaustion dice
- M/Madness = madness Dice
- P/Pain = pain dice
- A/Assistance = discipline dice from an assisting player
Examples: !roll ddeemp (must use single character identifiers) !roll 2d 2e 1m (must specify a number before each identifier)
- !Coin: displays the current coin pool
- !Coin Set/S DDDHHH: sets the coin pool to the desired level
- !Coin Add/A: adds a despair coin due to dominant pain
- !Coin Despair/D -/+D/Discipline: uses a despair coin to add/remove a 6 from the specified pool
- !Coin Hope/H Success/S: uses a hope coin to add a 1 to discipline pool
- !Coin Hope/H: uses a hope coin
- First you will need to have NodeJS installed on your machine. You can find the latest version here
- Next create a discord account for your bot. You can do this here
- Click "New App"
- Provide a Name (this is the name people will see when the bot joins a channel) and Description
- Click "Create App"
- On the new screen click "Create a Bot User"
- Open Notepad
- Under the heading "App Bot User" you will see "Token:click to reveal" Click to reveal it and copy the resulting text and paste it in notepad. Be sure to keep this token private.
- Under the heading "App Details" Copy the number after "Client ID:" and paste this in notepad as well.
- Replace "CLIENT_ID_GOES_HERE" in the following link with the Client ID you copied in the above step
- Paste the edited link into a web browser, select the discord server you wish to add the bot to, and click "Authorize".
- Click "Clone or Download" at the top of this page. Click "Download Zip" and extract the files.
- Open config.js with a text editor program of your choice (wordpad > notepad).
- Replace "BOT TOKEN" with your bot token you copied in step 2.6
- Save file
- Your bot is now configured and ready to launch.
To run the bot, Just execute the file "start.bat" on a windows or "start.command" on mac.
To update the bot, Just execute the file "UPDATE.bat" on a windows or "UPDATE.command" on mac. Your config.js file will be backed up and restored automatically
config.js has properties
- token - this is the login token for your bot
- prefix - this is the symbol the bot uses to recognize commands. This is set to "!" by default
- maxRollsPerDie - This is the max number per dice type that can be rolled in a given roll command. Set to 100 by default. Commands that don't respect the roll limit will be aborted and send an error message to the discord chat.
- Xavi Santamaria
- Flobio
- Scott McNeil