Prototype of a Tactical ARPG using ASCII Graphics

Primary LanguagePython

Screenshot of game-play Circa 2020


TARPG (Tactical ARPG) is a prototype of a game made in Python with a C++ demo.

Python was inevitable chosen as the main platform due to ease of prototyping. Both prototypes use TCOD as a base.

A full journal of the game's development (including video demos) can be found here.

Current Functionality

  • World generation using 2D OpenSimplex noise
  • Player movement
  • Ability creation & usage
  • Semi-efficient rendering
  • Vision circle
  • UI (health circles reminiscent of Diablo)
  • Game Logs

Half-functional / In-progress

  • Enemies & Enemy AI
  • Biome generation not based on altitude
  • Prefab generation (buildings, etc.)
  • Custom map creation (not random-generated)
  • Custom font for graphics
  • Ability collision & functionality
  • Commenting code :(

Why open-source?

I am open-sourcing this project along with others due to the fact I will never complete them. In the end, these prototypes are just me messing around and having fun! Hopefully they're of some use to you, or just a fun thing to look at :)