
EduSync is an innovative web application redefining One-to-One online tutoring - Runner up Enigma 2023

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


EduSync is an innovative tutoring platform developed using Next.js, Firebase, TypeScript, and EdgeStore. It offers personalized and dynamic tutoring experiences with cutting-edge features like Falcon 7B-powered natural language processing incorporated into an NLP Chatbot. The backend, built with Flask and EdgeStore, ensures scalability, optimized data storage, and secure user authentication. This repository reflects a robust tech stack, enabling a seamless blend of frontend and backend technologies to deliver an agile and tailored tutoring solution.


  • Please check the Contributions file for instructions on how to get started with the project on your local system
  • Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository, make improvements, and create pull requests.
  • Please view the list of open issues at Issues. Any contributions to them are welcome.


The live deployment of QuizQuest can be accessed at EduSync.

Test Credentials:

Admin: admintest@gmail.com 123456

Student: teststudent@gmail.com 123456

Teacher: testteacher4@gmail.com 123456

Key Features

Seamless Ingress Experience (REQ_001_Login):

-Effortless navigation for students to peruse and join their class particulars. -Tutors wield facile access to class intricacies, seamlessly initiating scholarly sessions.

Cogitative Class Scheduler (REQ_002_Class Scheduler):

-Intuitive interface empowering students and tutors to delineate preferred temporal epochs. -Autonomous generation and dissemination of class calendars, a sublime amalgamation of convenience and precision.

Attendance Ascertainment (REQ_003_Attendance Capturing):

-Impeccable feature for the scrupulous recording of attendance during each scholarly convocation. -Aegis of a fortified database, diligently preserving attendance archives for prospective reference.

Data Prowess (REQ_004_Data Management):

-Implementation of a state-of-the-art database system, a paragon of information virtuosity. -Repository for all scholastic occurrences, including schedules and assiduously cataloged attendance records, laying the foundation for erudite report generation.

Punctilious Alert Propagation (REQ_005_Alert System):

-Punctilious alerts for students, ushering them into the auspices of class initiation. -Timely notifications for tutors, serving as heralds of impending scholarly engagements. -Dissemination of progress reports, invoices, and attendance dossiers to discerning parental cognizance.

Document Emissary Interface (REQ_006_Document Upload):

-An aesthetically pleasing interface for the dispensation of assignments and erudite paraphernalia. -Automatic missives to students upon document dispensation, ensconcing the transaction seamlessly within the database echelon.

NLP-Pinnacle Chatbot (REQ_007_NLP Chatbot):

-NLP eminence enabling students to elegantly requisition class timetables, annul engagements, and seek elucidation on class schedules. -A symphony of NLP prowess harmonizing with tutors' requisitions for class timetables, engagement cancellations, and schedule clarifications.

Erudition Synthesis: Report Compilation (REQ_008_Report Generation):

-A symphony of functionality materializes in the synthesis of expansive and meticulous reports. -Ubiquitous accessibility, ensuring stakeholders' enlightenment through the efficacious dispersion of insightful reports

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: Next.js
  • Backend: Flask
  • Database: Firebase (Firestore, Realtime Database)
  • Edge Store: EdgeStore
  • AI Models: Falcon 7B Instruct LLM Model
  • Port forwarding: ngrok


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Contributors : Check the full list here