
Camera image processing using OpenCV

Primary LanguagePython


Realtime image processing with web application.


To run you have to install this python packages:

  • opencv2
  • numpy
  • flask
  • jinja2
  • Flask-Mail


To have a mail service available you have to provide valid mail credentials. To do that create config.py file in the root folder and write MAIL_USERNAME and MAIL_PASSWORD variable, for example:

MAIL_USERNAME = 'user@mail.com'
MAIL_PASSWORD = 'password'

Then you have to export environment variable PICAM_CONFIG with path to that file, for example:

export PICAM_CONFIG=/path/to/config.py

How to run?

python3 main.py -s -p 7000

-s is optional, as default it starts server on

-p is optional, as default it uses port 5000