
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This notes-app is a REST API to :

 -> Create Notes.

 -> Retrieve all existing notes and also notes by  their respective id's.

 -> Update existing notes by their id's.

 -> Delete existing notes by their id's.

Setting up the environment

Clone this repository in your local machine.

(Make sure your machine have node and npm pre-installed before cloning this repository).

REPLACE THE MONGO_URI in .env and docker-compose.yml files by your own MONGO_URI.



Running the server on localhost on port 5000.

npm run dev

The server will start running and can be accessed through http://localhost:5000 and get connected to mongoDB database.

API endpoint for creating Notes:

POST: http://localhost:5000/notes/create

API endpoint for retrieving all Notes:

GET: http://localhost:5000/notes

API endpoint for retrieving a Note by it's id:

GET: http://localhost:5000/notes/:id

API endpoint for updating a Note by it's id:

PUT: http://localhost:5000/notes/:id

API endpoint for deleting a Note by it's id:

DELETE: http://localhost:5000/notes/:id

*USE Ctrl+C to stop the server

For building and running Docker containers:

Make sure docker is installed in your local machine before running the below command.

Run this command in the terminal:

sudo docker compose up

The database conatiner along with API container will be build and started.

The server starts running and can be accessed through http://localhost:5001 (as in docker container PORT 5000 is mapped to 5001) and get connected to mongoDB database.

API endpoint for creating Notes:

POST: http://localhost:5001/notes/create

API endpoint for retrieving all Notes:

GET: http://localhost:5001/notes

API endpoint for retrieving a Note by it's id:

GET: http://localhost:5001/notes/:id

API endpoint for updating a Note by it's id:

PUT: http://localhost:5001/notes/:id

API endpoint for deleting a Note by it's id:

DELETE: http://localhost:5001/notes/:id

*USE Ctrl+C to stop and exit the server

Run the below commands to exit and delete the built containers:

sudo docker compose down

NOTE: I have exposed my .env file in github just for the evaluation purpose of Flipr so that nothing goes wrong while cloning and running my REST API and it runs as it is.

This file contains secret credentials and should never be exposed to the public github repositories.