My Moonlander Layout


This repository contains the QMK layout I use on my ZSA Moonlander Mark I.

It also contains a little helper I made to easily integrate the keyboard with my work environment.

It is in very very early stages, I've started to play around custom QMK layouts recently, but I intend to organize this code as soon as I get some spare time.

If you have any suggestion of what could be added, I'd like to hear.


  • Default Colemak layer
  • Alternative QWERTY layer
  • Many other helper layers
  • HID integration
  • Dedicated service for syncing keyboard states with system applications
  • Helper script that mimic Mac OS tool xkbswitch, allowing applications to seamsly switch keyboard layers with a shell command
  • Dedicated layer for League of Legends (see more below)

HID Integration

Layer dance

NVim Example

  • The default layer is always Colemak
  • If NVim window is active, the main layer is defined by the current mode
    • QWERTY for: Normal, Visual
    • Colemak for: Insert, Search, Command, Replace
  • If League of Legends is launched its dedicated layer is automatically activated

League of Legends MOD

LoL Example

  • Automatically synchronizes with the active match
  • Available skills
    • Only lights skill that has at least 1 level
    • Cooldowns are not indicated (in compliance with Riot terms)
    • TODO: change the color of the keys for each skill level
  • Item slots
    • Only lights the keys of the slots which has a item
    • Cooldowns are not indicated (in compliance with Riot terms)
    • Blue for normal items
    • Light Blue for active items
    • Yellow for consumable items
  • Both teams player indicator
    • Green for alive
    • Red for deas
    • Positions are sorted as shown in Tab
  • Spell keys match the color of the icon at the slot
  • Both teams dragon score indicator
    • Each of the thumb keys is a kill
    • The color of the key matcher the element of the killed dragon
    • The bigger key indicates the team got the Dragon Soul
    • TODO: animate when a team kills Elder Dragon or Baron
  • Death animation
    • Everything goes red when you die (except for team indicators)