
Middleware for external command and control

Primary LanguageC

Middleware for data flow integration and reconfiguration


The middleware requires json-c:

sudo apt-get install libjson0 libjson0-dev


Download the git repository:

git clone https://github.com/ComFlux/ComFlux-Middleware.git

The are included as submodules. The added submodules are: uthash, kerberros, and jsonschema-c.

cd ComFlux-Middleware
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive

Install the middleware:

sudo make install

The optional cmake arguments generate communication and access control modules relying on third party libraries.

Argument Summary
-DMQTTENABLED:BOOL=ON Enables building two com modules relying on MQTT.
-DSSLENABLED:BOOL=ON Enables building an SSL com module and a certificate based access control module.
-DKRBENABLED:BOOL=ON Enables building a Kerberos access control module.

To install mosquitto:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mosquitto-dev/mosquitto-ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libmosquitto

To install OpensSSL:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

The Kerberos module uses krb5 library linked as a submodule.

API structure

Through the API the following headers are available:

File Summary
middleware.h Communication and configuration functionality with the middleware core.
endpoint.h Endpoint definitions and endpoint specific commands.
load_mw_config.h To facilitate middleware deployment configuration can be applied from json structures or fles.


Simple source - sink

Run a simple source - sink communication by opening two terminals and typing

cd build/bin/examples
./simple_source src_mw_cfg.json

cd build/bin/examples
./simple_sink snk_mw_cfg.json

Resource discovery

Map the sink to the source by querying a Resource Discovery Component for the source. First, run an RDC


Then start lookup_source and lookup_sink.

cd build/bin/examples
./lookup_source src_mw_cfg.json

cd build/bin/examples
./lookup_sink snk_mw_cfg.json "\"ep_name\" = \"ep_source\"

Dynamic connection management and reconfiguration

Watch this space

Compile your new component

The distribution provides the core and the library of the middleware. To compile your component run:

 cc -o your_component your_component.c -lmiddleware_api -lmiddleware_utils

All functions presented so far are implemented in the middleware_api. The middleware_utils library contains data structures used in the mw and functions to manipulate them. For instance json, hashmap, array, message.


For the basic usage of ComFlux, here is a detailed tutorial: ComFlux: Dynamic creation of pervasive applications from plug-and-play modules

Here is an article detailing the model and applications of ComFlux: ComFlux: External Composition and Adaptation of Pervasive Applications

We also have the following tutorial proposal: ComFlux: Dynamic creation of pervasive applications from plug-and-play modules