
An, updated, collection of scripts to automate OmniGroup applications. These focus primarily on OmniFocus as I use that application daily.

MIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains a collection of scripts that I use to automate OmniGroup applications. Currently, these focus on OmniFocus, as I use it daily.


Initially, this repository will convert the suite of AppleScript-based OmniFocus scripts that I use daily to OmniAutomation (Javascript) and provide compatibility with OmniFocus 4.

Plug Ins

The sections below describe Each of the Plug Ins in this collection.

Default Window Look

Set the look of the fronmost window to my preferred default:

  • Full size (but not macOS Full Screen)
  • Sidebar and Inspector visible on macOS
  • Sidebar and Inspector hidden on iPhone small screen

Note that the full size window does require the use of a Keyboard Maestro Macro, included.


tl;dr: Copy the contents of the PlugIns/ directory from this repository to a folder on your iCloud Drive and then use Add Linked folder… in each of your Omni Applications to add that folder as a plug-in source.

The latest suite of Omni applications include a new plug-in management architecture that enables you to designate both local and remote directories as sources for Omni Automation plug-ins. See the “Linked” Folders Documentation on the Omni Automation site.

The Omni Automation site also provides detailed information for:

Sample Installation

Assuming you have created OmniAutomation-Plug-Ins in your iCloud Drive, the follow will copy the plugins to that directory. Note the trailing / on the source so that you copy the contents of Plug-Ins, not the directory.

$ pwd

$ rsync --verbose --checksum --archive --delete --delete-excluded ./Plug-Ins/ ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs/OmniAutomation-Plug-Ins


My daily AppleScripts come from a variety of sources, including: