
Minimal Bootstrap Mike McLean Shell Environment

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Minimal Bootstrap Mike McLean Shell Environment


I store my Shell Init and dotfiles in a ~/.init directory in my home directory. I keep this repository version controlled in Git and stored in a Private Repository on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Code Commit as DotInit.


When configuring a new system I need a way to get my ~/.init configuration folder onto it. This minimal Bootstrap project will get a copy of ~/.init onto the target system.

If ~/.init does not exist:

  • If the target system already contains a copy of the DotInit directory as a synchronized copy via Microsoft OneDrive, the script will create ~/.init a symbolic link to that version
  • On a system without a synchronized copy via Microsoft OneDrive this script will execute a git clone from AWS Code Commit to ~/.init. The code to clone from AWS CodeCommit requires the following:
    • curl or wget
    • ssh
    • git (at least version 2.3.0 which supports the GIT_SSH_COMMAND environment variable)
    • A copy of my main SSH private key id.mike.mclean, placed on the system manually. The script will ask for the path to this file as input
    • A running ssh-agent, enforced by the recommended run commands below


On a new target system execute:

ssh-agent bash <(curl --noproxy "*" -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SkydiveMike/bootstrap/master/bootstrap.sh)


ssh-agent bash <(wget --no-proxy -qO-  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SkydiveMike/bootstrap/master/bootstrap.sh)