Scripts which will move the position-sensitive Schottky cavity doublet, get its position and read data from detector using LimeSDR

Primary LanguagePython

This project is dedicated to the project VACTANILAD.

The main idea is to move position-sensitive Schottky cavity doublet near the linear accelerator and check the difference in signal power.

The system consists of several parts:

  • ISEL motor and driver to have the lateral movement
  • SwissBOY 122M motor and modified driver to have vertical movement
  • RaspberryPI 3B+ as a coordinator of all parts
  • LimeSDR as a radiomodule to read the RF signal from Schottky
  • Printed circuit with elements to read data from potentiometers, short relays, operate Lime and so on
  • Megatron linear transducers which tell us current position of the cavities based on MCP3204 12-bit ADC

Files with names of the components contain simple class with primitive methods like "read data" or "go_up". They will be imported later into main script.

TO DO file has current tasks which have to be finished.

Further logic or updates will be written here

Swissboy: left connector in the black box is related to the left connector in SwissBOY driver box

Test command starts python3 test.py [vertical position] [horizontal position]

example: python3 test.py 70 40

answer: vertical steps and feedback from megatron and answer from ISEL also about carriage position