
A command line pixel sorting utility

Primary LanguageHaxe



To build run "haxe lineSorter.hxml". You'll need the format library, which can be installed by using "haxelib install format".


Run by executing "neko bin/lineSorter.n -i filename" from the command line. Only PNG is supported right now. The resulting file will be located at filename-output.png.


The following arguments can be used to change the behaviour of the utility:

  • -i filename - to specify the input file (required).
  • -m (h|s|l|r|g|b) - to specify the criterium used to sort the values. H, S, L, R, G, B stand for hue, saturation, lightness(default), red, green and blue respectively.
  • -l - to use the line-wise mode, sorts single pixel values within every vertical line of the image.

Album with examples
