
Source code for the old Yuri PyBot website.

Primary LanguageHTML

Yuri PyBot website


Looking for the documentation?


Created by SkylaDev

What happened to this GitHub repo?

Hi, welcome to the Yuri PyBot website GitHub repo, I originally made the source code for the website easily obtainable via GitHub for a couple reasons, not having GitHub pro meaning I physically couldn't put this repo into private without it going offline and for people wanting to see the source code for inspiration or straight up wanting to make use of the code in their own projects if they chose to.

Since then allot has changed, I am currently in the making of a rework of the site that will no longer be using GitHub pages, and a recent incident with another Discord bot dev team directly copying the whole repo and using it for their own bot, I was intentially ok with this when they asked me before hand, I mainly just aksed for some form of credit for the original code if they wanted to. Im slightly thankful they didnt as they ended up changing/breaking allot about the site's code to the point where it looked malformed and no longer fully usable, I do not wish to be rude but after seeing the state of what they had done to the original website I actually no longer fully liked my original site and started work on the new version.

If you still wish to use this code in your own projects feel free to, credit isnt required but always appreciated. If you wish to see the new site check it out at yuripybot.xyz!