
Experimental use of callr to run API GET requests in background R processes and combine them.

Primary LanguageR

Splitting API GET requests into multiple processes

API requests, especially larger ones, might beenfit from running multiple smaller requests in parallel versus large requests in series. While this is arguably a questionable method that will quickly rack up your count towards a rate limit, I find myself needing faster information more than I exceed my current generous rate limits with the APIs I utilize.

Splitting an API request into multiple process will require these steps:

  • I need to create a function that will 'split' an API URL into smaller 'requests' i.e. if I am pulling data from an API for 1 year, perhaps I'd like to split this request into smaller ones for each month.
  • I need a method of assigning 'worker' processes each split of my URL and the code to fetch their data
  • I need a method that tracks existing 'workers' and their progress
  • I need a method to wrap up the joining of the data once all the 'workers' have completed their tasksw

Resources that I've found helpful

Synchronous vs Asyncronous programming

A primer from Winston Change at rstudio:conf 2020: https://www.rstudio.com/resources/rstudioconf-2020/asynchronous-programming-in-r/

Callr and multiple background processes

Info on callr:

Tidyverse blog on creating a task que using callr:

Important primer on R6 objects and OOP:
https://adv-r.hadley.nz/r6.html https://r6.r-lib.org/