
Primary LanguageShell

⭐ About & Help ⭐

That's my shell which should be user friendly and look really nice.
It's recommended that you use VSCode + Windows Terminal or Tabby if preffered.
In both of above programmes you have to set some of NerdFonts as FaceFont.

Setup bases on the:

  • Catpuccin Mocha themes
  • Starship Prompt
  • LunarVim (lvim)
  • tmux
    • tpm
    • tmux-sensible
    • tmux-yank
    • vim-tmux-navigator
  • zsh
    • zsh-abbr
    • zsh-autosuggestions
    • zsh-syntax-highlighting
    • zsh-z

I handled all of the necessary dependencies for the applications and mods above so you don't have to, however i am not sure how will it work in the future when new versions of software will drop.

- WARNING! It's a good practice to have newest nodejs, npm and rustc installed, because the dependencies are really picky here - look for the problems there at first.
- Works on Debian/Ubuntu only because of apt and names of packets in these OSes.

Additional insipration provided by Christian Lempa here:

Download FiraCode fonts here:

⭐ Key mappings for tmux ⭐

  • Prefix - Ctrl + Space
  • Split horizontally - Prefix -> "
  • Split vertically - Prefix -> %
  • Move between panes - Prefix -> arrows/hjkl OR Alt + arrows
  • Resize panes - Prefix (hold) + arrows/hjkl
  • Move between windows - Shift + arrows OR Alt + Shift+HL

⭐ Terminal presentation ⭐


⭐ Apps installed by bootstrap script ⭐


  • wget
  • curl
  • vim
  • git
  • build-essential
  • tmux
  • unzip
  • mc
  • neofetch
  • net-tools
  • tree
  • iftop
  • traceroute
  • nmap
  • vnstat
  • hping3
  • python3
  • python3-pip
  • python3-venv
  • python3-dev
  • mlocate
  • cargo
  • duf
  • ripgrep
  • tldr
  • fonts-firacode
  • zsh
  • exa


  • pygments

Installed with curl/wget

  • reinstall rustc along with rustup to latest stable version
  • nodejs along with npm to latest stable version
  • neovim - latest version
  • lvim


  • prettierd
  • eslint_d
  • gtop
  • lvim dependencies installed by LunarVim bootstrap

Cargo handles all of the Rust dependencies.

LunarVim was chosen as lightweight, pretty and modable wrapper for nvim, to provide modern text editor which also can be treaten as IDE.

⭐ Install instruction for dummies ⭐

➡️ Clone from url: git clone https://github.com/Skylighty/skyshell.git
➡️ cd to skyshell
➡️ Execute : ./bootstrap.sh
➡️ You will have to confirm in few places but it shouldn't be a problem at all.
➡️ Reload Shell with su and enjoy!

Enjoy 💋