SmallRye JWT is a library for implementing the Eclipse MicroProfile JWT RBAC. Currently it is focused on supporting the MP-JWT 1.2 spec. It deals with the decryption and/or signature verification of the JWT token and parsing it into a JsonWebToken implementation.
Compile and install this project:
mvn clean install
implementation - Implementation of the Eclipse MicroProfile JWT RBAC library
implementation/common - Common utility classes.
implementation/jwt-auth - Core library implementation.
implementation/jwt-cdi - Support for registering the implementation as CDI extension.
implementation/jwt-http-mechanism - Support for registering the implementation as HTTP Authentication Mechanism.
implementation/jwt-jaxrs - Support for registering the implementation as JAX-RS feature and filters.
implementation/jwt-build - Support for generating JWT tokens - this module is not related to MP JWT 1.2.
testsuite - Test suites
testsuite/basic Test suite with basic test cases.
testsuite/tck Test suite to run the implementation against the Eclipse MicroProfile JWT RBAC TCK.
doc - Project documentation.
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