
A simple day / night switcher widget made in pure Dart.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Just a simple simple day / night switcher widget made in pure Dart. It allows you to quickly show a beautiful dark mode switcher widget to your users.

How to use ?

Using this plugin is pretty straightforward. You have two widgets : DayNightSwitcher and DayNightSwitcherIcon.

Here's a sample code for DayNightSwitcher :

  isDarkModeEnabled: isDarkModeEnabled,
  onStateChanged: (isDarkModeEnabled) {
    setState(() {
      this.isDarkModeEnabled = isDarkModeEnabled;

The other one is very similar :

  isDarkModeEnabled: isDarkModeEnabled,
  onStateChanged: (isDarkModeEnabled) {
    setState(() {
      this.isDarkModeEnabled = isDarkModeEnabled;


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